Arctic Blast
Arctic Blast
PG | 04 August 2010 (USA)
Arctic Blast Trailers

When a solar eclipse sends a colossal blast of super chilled air towards the earth, it then sets off a catastrophic chain of events that threatens to engulf the world in ice and begin a new Ice Age.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
paulclaassen Typical disaster movie where a natural disaster saves a marriage. Cliched and nothing new, yet interesting enough thanks to a credible cast.
alanclarke-78565 I watched it because of all the jokes and "worst ever bad movie" claims.However I found this one quite decent and gripping and the cold fog more menacing than what other disaster movies come up with. I normally find disaster movies tedious, but this worked for me.As for those who feel 'suspension of disbelief' (required for virtually every movie ever made!) is beneath them, they end up writing reviews that are almost troll like.And as for the scientists writing here, um, you're not supposed to think that Darth Vader and Jedis or Wonder Woman or Superman actually exist....or might be capable of existing...My only criticism is the gratutitous moralising "Man did this!" when it was supposed to be solar flares (yes, pick holes, that's fun, but don't make out you're such an amazing sensible person compared to the film makers).
Rebecca Smith Finally, after all these years came across the movie. Interest purely as I live on the beach where part of the filming was done. I provided one star as there was no option for no stars!Very difficult movie to watch, given the inaccuracies and poor quality. Lost me at the point where the beach was being driven to, and it being stated "an hour away". The causeway and highway driven on are not on the way to the particular beach filming was done on, and it is also only approximately half an hour from Hobart on a completely different highway. The driving component of the film going into and from the car park was way too long given the real length of the gravel road. When departing, the turning left would take directly to South Arm, no way possible at all to get to Hobart from this direction as the location is on a peninsula with only one access point in and out which is in the opposite direction 😠The money spent on this film would have been better donated to the homeless and disadvantaged of Tasmania.
Uriah43 "Jack Tate" (Michael Shanks) is a meteorologist who is totally devoted to his work--at the expense of his family. As a result he is pending a divorce from his wife, "Emma Tate" (Alexandra Davies) and their 16 year old daughter "Naomi Tate" (Indiana Evans) blames him as well. Yet even though he plans to spend more time with his family a solar eclipse suddenly triggers a hole in the ozone which produces a deadly arctic blast which he believes endangers the entire planet. Unfortunately, nobody believes his dire predictions and while he races to find a solution to the problem he finds that his credibility is seriously being questioned by his superiors and family alike. Now rather than reveal any more of the plot and risk ruining the film for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was a rather preposterous but still mildly entertaining movie all the same. I say this because, although I liked the overall concept of the movie, the science behind it was more than a little dubious to say the least. In any case I've definitely seen worse "natural disaster" films and for that reason I rate this movie as only slightly below average.
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