Silent House
Silent House
R | 21 January 2011 (USA)
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Sarah returns with her father and uncle to fix up the family's longtime summerhouse after it was violated by squatters in the off-season. As they work in the dark, Sarah begins to hear sounds from within the walls of the boarded-up building. Although she barely remembers the place, Sarah senses the past may still haunt the home.

TinsHeadline Touches You
SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
bababear This was on cable tonight, so I didn't have to pay extra to see it or leave the house. But even under these conditions it was still such a crapfest that it was overlong at a tad under ninety minutes.Elizabeth Olsen plays a young woman named Sarah. She's in an old dark house in the middle of nowhere. Her father and uncle, who seem to be real but may be the product of her imagination, are there with her and over the course of the evening Terrible Family Secrets will come to light. Well, into very dim light since there's no electricity and the windows are boarded up so as to create a creepy haunted house atmosphere. Strangers may or may not wander into the house. Sarah may or may not be insane. The events of the evening may or may not be taking place.Although this movie was very successful financially, here we are six years later and neither the writer nor director has gotten another credit on IMDb. Having watched SILENT HOUSE, I'm not really surprised.
Davis P This film honestly did take me by surprise. Silent House was well acted, and well shot. The actors, including Olsen, all performed very well in this movie. This movie is affective when it comes to being scary and giving the audience members chills, I know it did for me. There really isn't any background music or anything, which was probably the most effective part of the movie when it comes to being scary. The plot summary for silent house was pretty intricate and unique, never really seen a plot like this one before. This movie has very cool twists and turns, especially towards the ending, and to be honest, they made the film. This movie was very enjoyable and is a cool flick for horror movie fans. Some scenes did drag just a bit, but not much, and once you got through them, things sped up again and got back on track. Overall, I give Silent House a 7/10.
Poptart_Psycho I feel this film has been unfairly criticised, its not an amazing horror but its a good psychological thriller with twists and turns throughout, there's hardly any gore and the characters you don't go in depth with heavily there not cliché is that the problem..The Movie is based on the Uraguayan horror La Casa Muda The plot is pretty simple but its effective and works. Sarah an her dad John are packing up a house they have just sold along with Uncle Peter. A girl called Sophia knocks on the door claiming to be a friend of Sarah, that's just the start of strange events. When the blokes have an argument the uncle leaves, Looking for her father Sarah becomes concerned when she cant find him especially when all doors become locked and escaping from a man in the house trying to grab her...The ending isn't predictable its a good twist you didn't see coming Silent House will lave you wondering many things, is it a Home Invasion? As there's people claiming to know them and being in the house, Is it a paranormal? As there's unexplained movements and blood appearing from nowhere... Or is it something more sinister that delves into the family history
bowmanblue Silent House - a film about a woman who wanders round one room inside a house after the next. Sometimes she makes a phone call. Sometimes she leaves a message on someone's answer phone. Once she even spoke to someone via a webcam. Then, every now and again, something 'spooky' happens. It could be that something falls over, something invisible pokes her or something equally as 'seen-it-all-before.' Silent House is pretty dull. Its one plus point is that it's short. People turn up, act a bit creepy, don't really give much away and leave. There's something like a 'reveal' at the end, but, by the time it actually happens, I doubt there will be enough people still interested in the film to care.Seriously, don't bother. There are a million better and scarier horror films out there.
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