8213: Gacy House
8213: Gacy House
| 28 September 2010 (USA)
8213: Gacy House Trailers

A group of paranormal investigators enter the abandoned home of paedophile and serial killer John Gacy, hoping to find evidence of paranormal activity. Upon entering the house they set-up cameras throughout the abandoned house while going room to room with hand-held cameras, performing séance's and asking for John Gacy to come forward. As the evening progresses it seems the investigators are not prepared for the horror still within the house.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
krg-89451 In fact, The Room was better than this movie. Out of all of the actors, only 1 could act better than a middle school play, and the perfectly decent plot was ruined by this. The movie itself was paced so poorly that 90 minutes felt like 3 hours. It was a lot of people talking over each other, not knowing how to act, poorly paced action, and unnecessary sex scenes and swearing. This movie should have been 30 minutes and been free on YouTube as a 'short film'.
GL84 Arriving at the abandoned house of notorious serial killer John Wayne Gacy, a team of paranormal investigators looking for his ghost stumble upon a far deadlier horror lying in the house and must try to get out alive.This one was a pretty flawed but still somewhat enjoyable effort, mostly because this one is yet another reprehensible found-footage effort. Due to that factor, this here carries with it so many of the usual flaws to be found within the genre, as the incredibly unnerving shaking camera that keeps missing exactly what you want to see during the big action scenes, far too many moments of incredibly unnecessary footage merely to add up the running time and the always-enjoyable tactic of keeping the camera rolling in situations where your survival is more important. That happens far more frequently in the later half which is because that's where all the fun happens due to a slew of paranormal activities occurring with the beginning not being of any real interest with a lack of action, so the picking up the pace in the later stages is a lot of fun, including a ten-minute segment of full-on hauntings that are actually pretty creepy at times and pick this up considerably.Rated R: Graphic Language, Brief Nudity, Violence and a sex scene.
GeorgeI4280 I clicked the contains spoilers box simply because of the fact that here it is............nothing.Now see i love Paranormal Activity 1-3, The Blair Witch Project, Grave Encounters, Paranormal Entity, hell Open Water, and my new favorite is Skew. Each one was great and different in their own way this movie is unoriginal and dull. I couldn't believe anything that was going on and didn't care about any of these people personally i wanted them all to die. The worst part is that when your watching some of the video cameras the quality is so bad you have to strain your eyes to hope to see nothing. Don't waste your time on this one I've never been more serious
marinesgtwife I've seen better acting in pornography. Don't waste your time, i'd rather be scratching my butt... This review requires ten lines. I do not have anything to say about this movie that is remotely close to ten lines. I will now recite the alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z now i'm going to go watch paint dry...Apparently this review is still not long enough. It's bad. It's boring. It's worse than Nicholas Cage's dramatic knee drops in "the knowing" (i believe there were 12). I would rather watch Bob Ross paint a landscape. I rented this movie for 99c, I'm kicking myself for not buying a taco instead...do not make the same mistake i did!