The Off Season
The Off Season
| 28 October 2004 (USA)
The Off Season Trailers

A couple stay in a dingy motel in Maine to try and escape their hectic lives, but are haunted by spirits of previously murdered guests.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
barbjb123 Legit, this is the worst movie i have ever watched. it made absolutely no sense and the actors looked like they were on drugs the whole movie. my friends and i could not takethis movie seriously at all. the whole movie looked like it was filmedby a walmart camcorder, and there were about six characters in the whole movie who all looked like they were taken off the streets at random. none of the plot was ever explained and i kept waiting for it to make sense but it never did. it was like each scene was from a totally different movie, nothing was ever explained. after watching the first five minutes, i decided to finish the movie just to make fun of it. my friends and i got more laughs out of this movie than scares. i have to say that it was more of a comedy than a scary movie. we went back to blockbuster and told them to take it off the shelves. the movie made me want to kill babies, and the naked man in the shower looked like smeagle from lord of the rings
onosideboard Rick and Catherine move from New York City to a run-down motel (room 13, of course) in a tourist town in Maine during the winter, so Rick can have some quiet time to work on his writing "career." It rains all the time, the only other guests at the motel are weird old people, and there's something wrong with room 13. A VERY kind comparison would be: it's like The Shining, in a motel. (Seriously, don't expect The Shining, that's a classic, this is not.) The acting was pretty terrible and the production value was low, lending this movie a "film school project" feel. That said, it's one of the better film school projects I've seen. The guy playing Rick was downright awful, but the actress playing Catherine was sometimes decent. My favorite character/actor was old man Ted. He was a great loony old codger. The cinematography wasn't exactly inspired, but there were a couple of interesting shots and the editor didn't try to do anything stupid or annoying cutting the film. It was easily watchable.I actually thought the story was interesting and fairly fresh. A run-down motel in a deserted little Maine town is a creepy setting. There were enough weird characters to keep the atmosphere going throughout. The plot moved along nicely, and although the resolution seemed sudden and wasn't exactly satisfying, I was okay with it.All in all, worth a see if it's on TV or you've got a free rental at your local video store. I wouldn't pay to see it, but I don't want my time back, either.
voldf This movie has the feel of a first year college want to be director. The cover art on the box makes it out to be a horror film and if you go to rent it, it will be found in the horror section. Let me tell you, it is NOT a horror film! I'm not really sure how to rate this one because it is so bad. This movie wouldn't even make a good COMIC BOOK and I've seen some really bad ones of those as well. Not that I will give anything away by saying this, but the story has so many holes you could drive a truck through them. The acting is so dry that I found my self falling asleep in my chair when I should have been jumping out of it. Unless you want to waste almost two hours of your life I would stay as far away from this movie as you can.
dmurph41 This movie is one of the worst movies to be put on film since The Blair Witch Project. The Actor who plays Ted could barely walk let alone act. Listening to the back and fourth dialog was as good as torture and the actors couldn't have landed a role in a elementary school play. Not only was the writing poor but the plot has more holes in it then a homeless mans shirt. The ending could go down in history as one of the worst ever. It was a pathetic attempt to create a modern day "Shining" It failed worse than Tom Greens attempt to do a late night talk show. You're better off spending five dollars on an uncooked burger from Arbys than rent this movie. Two words to sum up this movie "Putrid Misery".