Anonymous 616
Anonymous 616
| 17 April 2018 (USA)
Anonymous 616 Trailers

A reunion between two couples becomes a massacre when one of the guests meets an anonymous person online and willingly becomes a participant on a bloody path to becoming God-like.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
cdisla The plot is bad, acting is mediocre, special effects are very cheap. There are a couple of scenes that re ok but doesn't elevate the movie at all. The actors are bad and the script just doesn't do them any good.
vqueenbee Genuinely interesting premise and plot that goes into unchartered territory. I was pleasantly surprised by the intelligent exploration of both philosophical and psychological complexities. Definitely worth watching for its unique story as it shines a glaring light on PTSD, closeted opinions, repressed emotions, technology and Big Brother. The lead actor demonstrates an authentic portrayal of one affected by war, a God-complex, and betrayal in love and friendship.
trudi_knoedler I have seen Daneil DeWeldon portray a Tennessee Williams cross-dresser with heart-wrenching vulnerability, and in Anonymous 616 a PTSD plagued vet who unravels with terrifying believability. This actor is a chameleon who can deliver the best, the worst, the darkest, and--yes--the creepiest of the characters he undertakes to serve up to the audience so fearlessly. His next stop should be with A-listers in a mega-hit. That said, this movie was a vehicle for a mind-blowing performance by a gifted lead actor; but the story was hardly deserving of his talents. Brutal and, in many ways, offensive, I would not recommend it to people of delicate sensibilities. Not sure whether it was trying to make a statement about drug use bringing out the worst in a sufferer of PTSD, or implying that torturing prisoners of war can invite Satan into your heart. Either way, the outcome was unsavory and both the vet and the viewer end up losers.
rsvp321 Hollywood political and social agenda writers are ruining so many potentially good movies and television series, these days - that's what makes this one so much better than those - *nothing but entertainment for the viewer*!Pretty good plot, a tad predictable once you get into it, but it still kept me watching.Unknowns for cast, but they earned a "6" from me.Indie/independent movies are getting better, and better, and it will be *that* venue that brings Hollywood back to Reality Land...and they start to fire all their agenda-driven writers! Just! Entertain! Us!