R | 09 October 2016 (USA)
Mindhorn Trailers

A washed up actor best known for playing the title character in the 1980s detective show "Mindhorn" must work with the police when a serial killer says that he will only speak with Detective Mindhorn, whom he believes to be real.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Banzai Ortiz I was sceptical as Netflix so far never offered really funny Netflix originals (with exceptions). But this movie is really funny. It's british style comedy, like a throwback to older movies. I can't really think of comparable movies, maybe something Johnny English, Pink Panther or even Austin Powers.If you like silly and slapsticky british style comedy with awkward but great characters and situations, this is a movie you should not miss.
bowmanblue 'Mindhorn' is one of those films that just do the job if you're looking for something simple which will amuse for an hour and a half. There aren't that many 'laugh out loud' moments, but, if you're into this kind of humour, then you should have a smile on your face for most of its runtime.Julian Barratt (most famous from TV's 'The Mighty Boosh,' but did better in the much maligned 'Nathan Barley' in my opinion!) is always good value for money and this is his first outing as a 'lead.' He plays the titular 'Mindhorn' – a TV detective from the eighties whose career has lasted about as long past 1989 as you might expect for someone from that era. He spends his time making embarrassing TV commercials and being bitter about how his fame has descended into this. However, when a real life police case on the Isle of Man needs his 'expert' attention, he thinks this may prove to be a way of getting back into the public's awareness.I guess what you need to know before you watch this is what sort of comedy this is, as the style will totally dictate whether you like the film or not. Like I've already hinted at, it's hardly a 'laugh out loud' affair. Its humour derives more from unsubtly poking fun at the very niche genre of '80s detective TV shows.' It has plenty of references and throw-backs to the genre and the laughs come more from watching an incapable, slightly self-obsessed, character succeed despite his own failings. Julian Barratt is the star and he carries the film. His character could have been too unlikeable to root for, but he plays it tragic enough (ala Boosh/Barley) for you to feel sorry for him at the same time as probably not wanting to hang out with this guy in real life.If you get your laughs from subtly smiling at cringe-worthy humour like 'The Office' and 'Peep Show' then this should entertain you, plus Barrett's fans will have been waiting a long time for him to shine on his own as a leading man – and he does it well here. Probably more a 6 out of 10, but I'm feeling generous.
jc74868 Major Bullet Points: *It's British. So there's that*You don't necessarily need to love "British" comedy(but it may help)*I wondered if I could stay with it after the first few minutes. Just wasn't sure what I was getting in to*There are a couple of characters that are just a little too silly and over the top*Easy watch. Clocks in at a little over an hour (which probably prevents some things to not grow tiresome. But, a little more time could have assisted with some character/story development)*It almost seems like it was a possible pilot episodeThe plot/storyline has already been discussed. So, I'll just give my opinion of why should (or maybe should not watch)It is a very endearing movie that will have you laughing out loud (if you're in to Police Squad!/Naked Gun-type humor)For what it is, just about everything in this movie works. The acting is top notch. The jokes are just as outrageous as they are funny. The friends and I that enjoyed this movie love the type of humor you will find in Flight of the Conchords, The Office, Heat Vision and Jack, The Simpsons (first decade), Seinfeld, Arrested Development, The Last Man on Earth, MST3K, Top Secret & Police Squad!If that type of silly humor isn't your thing, you might want to swipe left!
alangmcw-850-641963 Well I enjoyed this movie from start to finish. It probably isn't for everyone, e.g. if you are too old or too young or from another planet. But if you remember British cop dramas from the 70s and 80s – with a bit of Starsky and Hutch thrown in (and if you have a sense of humour) then you should find some real laugh-out-loud moments here. I found it great, light-hearted, rather slapstick fun, and I will enjoy seeing this again some day.