Animals United
Animals United
G | 07 October 2010 (USA)
Animals United Trailers

A group of animals waiting for the annual flood they rely on for food and water discover that the humans, who have been destroying their habitats have built a dam for a leisure resort. The animals endeavour to save the delta and send a message to the humans not to interfere with nature.

Alicia I love this movie so much
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
global_chick Absolutely awful. Let me sum up this movie, so you can save yourself from wasting more than an hour of your life. Man is stupid, vile and evil. Man is intent on destroying not only animals, but the planet itself. Animals are "entitled" to the earth and will band together to destroy mankind. My "favorite" part is when a Galapagos turtle appears on screen to deliver a long diatribe about why man is, as previously stated, stupid, vile and evil. In a nutshell, preachy, heavy-handed, environmental drivel that is boring and humorless. I am happy to see that this movie is being panned across the board for attempting to indoctrinate children with it's pseudo- religious environmental screed. The end.
charlesdiller we, as a family, love this movie, its a shame how many losers bring down a great family movie, shame on you! how can you be as low as rating this a 4, or saying the worst movie ever? really? because my son, daughter and wife loved it. it tells a great story, there are great animations, great characters, and what the heck is wrong with it? in my opinion, this movie is the best movie ever, besides this movie! know why? because i played the voice of the male turtle and my wife was the female. thanks for the support. back to no water at all. please rate this a great flick so we can take this to nyc and make another movie for my young turtles. thanks and have a blessed day!
fourtran It's OK. Nothing great. My little two year old likes it.Seeing all of the right wingers here up in arms about the movie is what made me curious about it in the first place. I can't help but wonder if Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck said to go out and smear the name of this movie; It's gonna turn your kid into someone who cares about the environment and we can't be having that now! Next thing you know they'll be commies (some leap eh?) :)Anyhow, back to reality. It's nothing great but I don't see the harm in watching a movie that presents a fantastical, hyperbolic tale of some of the harmful effects of what mankind does. I mean, if we're gonna have all of these war movies, may as well have an animals united movie. My boy has seen Bambi too, doesn't make us socialists. Watching Sci-Fi doesn't make people atheists either (even though heaven sounds like an eternal totalitarian socialist regime to me, but I digress). Gosh. People need to lighten up.
fourbee2002 I registered on this site, after using it for 10+ years, simply to warn people away from this overt and factless piece of propaganda. It is being used to propagandize our children in the manner that the ECO community see fit. Within the first five (5) minutes, there are direct references to global warming, automotive air pollution and oil spills. All are characterized as being the reasons for the lack of water in a valley because a dam had been built (which is incorrect) and the children are being taught to embrace the agenda of the Socialist/Wealth Redistribution crowd because of the references aforementioned. It seems that humans and all their machines are bad for the planet and all animals would be better off without us. This is a mantra heard, relentlessly, by the likes of PETA, the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, et al. If a filmmaker wishes to make a film disparaging the so called ills that humans have wreaked on the planet, let them entitle it a documentary, or more correctly a mockumentary. However, do not try to indoctrinate our children, for this is all that this film is: indoctrination propaganda. If you want to SELL your film to children, seek to sell it to those with stupid, uncaring parents. Mine would never see such brainwashing crap!