R | 11 September 2000 (USA)
Anatomy Trailers

Medical student Paula wins a place at an exclusive Heidelberg medical school. When the body of a young man she met on the train turns up on her dissection table, she begins to investigate the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Micransix Crappy film
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Matt Kracht There may be some slight spoilers in this review, but no worse than what you'd get from reading the plot synopsis.I'm surprised that people are comparing this to Scream and other teen slashers. The protagonists in this movie are students in medical school, not high school kids. That may be a minor distinction, but the movie is obviously targeted to a slightly older demographic than teens. For one thing, most teen slashers are rated PG-13, making them really quite limp and inhibited.At first, I thought this was going to be more "torture porn" than anything else, given the outrageous and over-the-top torture sequence early in the movie. Interestingly, it actually turned into a somewhat derivative slasher movie, despite having an interesting setup. The basic plot involves a gifted medical student discovering a secret society in her university. Long thought dead, they are composed of Machiavellian physicians who believe that sacrificing a few innocent people to advance medical research is more important than ethics. Predictably, they have some psychopaths among them who are more interested in live dissection than any kind of research.I liked the idea of this secret society, and there were some truly disturbing scenes in this movie. The whole concept of that secret society got under my skin, partly because the characters really did seem to believe that what they were doing was for the greater good. However, there were so many stupid scenes involving the characters being goofy and horny that I found the movie difficult to take seriously. As I understand it, this is mostly because I watched the dubbed version, which is supposed to truly destroy any mood or atmosphere set by the original German actors.Still, I liked it, despite the best attempts by the American voice actors to sabotage the movie. If I'd seen the original German version, with subtitles, I think I'd like it better. Still, no matter what language the characters were speaking, I think there was too much filler in the middle and not enough time spent developing the secret society.I recommend this movie to people who like conspiracy thrillers and slasher fans. However, thriller fans might be grossed out by the horror elements, and horror fans might be bored by the dramatic elements. Make sure you see the subtitled version. I've heard worse, but it's still distractingly bad.
Boba_Fett1138 Every horror fan should feel excited at the very least when they read the premise of this movie. It's something that seems fit for a "Saw" movie or an Eli Roth movie perhaps. It makes it all the more a shame that the film-makers seemed oblivious for the great material they were granted to work with. They all too obviously were not at ease within the horror genre and basically had no idea what they were doing.Not to make it sounds like the worst horror movie of all time but it's just such a shame to see how they waste all potential, by taking a completely wrong and stupid approach to its story.Problem is that this an horror movie, that has not idea how to handle or build up its tension or mystery. Or rather said; it doesn't seem to care about its mystery or tension at all. It's more busy with the soap series like developments and problems of the characters, that are more drama related than anything else really. I don't even think you could call this a thriller, since there is complete lack of the right required type of build-up.It causes you not to be grabbed by any of the movie its tension or mystery, which in return also makes you less interested in the overall movie and all of its characters. Another strange thing is that the main character, played by Franka Potente, disappears for too long out of the story a couple of times throughout the movie. All things that show how poorly told this movie is and how lacking its approach by director Stefan Ruzowitzky is.Of course the movie is not without its gore and it also has a pretty good atmosphere but the rest of the movie really brings it all down. As a genre lover I really wouldn't recommend this movie, despite its great (sounding) concept.If you are still looking for a movie to watch on Halloween...this is not the one.5/10
sergepesic There is an endless supply of trashy horror movies. It seems that people never get tired of trying to scare and thrill. Alas, very seldom these attempts succeed. This, unfortunate movie has almost no redeeming value. The story is highly predictable, most of the actors very uninspired, or just plainly miscast, special effects of very low quality. It took a lot of effort not to switch off the DVD and go to bed. With such a limited number of foreign movies issued in the USA, why in the world would anybody want to import this drivel. To top it all, apparently there is an "Anatomy 2 ", for those who have nothing better to do. I'd rather watch the paint dry.
pmdawn Okay, I had reasonably high expectations for this. The controversial subject matter was a good concept. As a horror fan I admit I was fascinated and very excited about this.It turns out they had a great idea, but it was terribly executed. Let's see. This movie seems to run in 3 modes: Happy, Sex and Dark. The problem is that the movie never decides what it wants to be. The "Happy" parts I believe were meant to contrast with the "Dark" parts, but it doesn't work. The soundtrack is one of the reasons.The movie transitions between these 3 modes very badly, I can't even begin to say how much the directing and editing suck. There's sex in the most unappealing and unerotic way. I'm not complaining but even for Horror standards they were unnecessary and filler.The characters are all unlikeable with the exception of Paula (Potente). Her friend from Munich is a slut and possibly one of the most annoying characters in movies I've come across recently.There's a bit of plot which I won't go into detail... It's not stupid and in more talented hands would make a good movie. There's even a nice twist and a cool conspiracy going on. Don't try to understand everything because there are giant plot holes here.It's all so shoddily done that you don't care for the victims, the perpetrators, anyone. And to think this could have been great. I can say ONE good thing about it which is, the movie shed some light on today's unethical medical procedures. With genetics and controversial sciences advancing, this could have been a great philosophical film that raises and discusses these questions. But you won't find that here, just a series of scenes loosely pasted together with people and things that you don't care about.Skip this and go watch Flatliners instead, you're welcome.3/10