R | 05 October 1990 (USA)
Shakma Trailers

A murderous baboon escapes from a laboratory and roams the research building, and begins to kill some teenagers who are also in the building playing a Dungeons-and-Dragons type game.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Micitype Pretty Good
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Lee Eisenberg My 10/10 rating means that "Shakma" is so ridiculous that it's fun. It's basically an excuse for a baboon to come up with ways to kill people who had the misfortune of playing a game in a building with no way to communicate with the outside world. Roddy McDowall - himself a veteran of a certain primate-themed franchise - plays the stodgy scientist who doesn't understand the danger. And the blonde woman? That's Amanda Wyss, best known as the first victim in "A Nightmare on Elm Street". She's a real babe here.But of course the star is the aggressive simian. I guess that one could say...he goes bananas. This movie reminds us that we shouldn't, well, monkey with nature.A truly enjoyable time.
crownofsprats So the only reason to watch this rather insipid and cheaply-made flick is for the monkey. What talent! What sheer presence! It's a terrifying critter, and it's quite unnerving to watch it hurl its comparatively tiny body at stupid humans - and these nerds really do deserve to get monkey-cronked in this film, because they are absolute $∑^π at dealing with the reality they are thrust into, and the acting of the people playing them is absolute ø¥$# as well. Not even the good kind, but the kind that makes you spill bongwater on your couch, as you pass out harboring a sneaky suspicion that your time could have been better spent in this horizontal state all along.Most of the movie takes place in a university building of some sort. You get lots of those heavy wood panel doors and bland corridor creamspace. But again - some pretty spectacular monkey attacks in this film.Really, just fast-forward through to all the monkey scenes. It's the Shakma way.
Alease Annan Shakma rules! Okay, you might be wondering why on earth I would give this movie a 10. Years ago my best friend and I watched this ever so classic movie Shakma. It was the Channel 7 Late Late movie in New York one Friday night. Oh my goodness, we never laughed so hard in our lives. 1. First of all the movie is about a serial killer baboon; let me repeat that, A Serial Killer Baboon, Classic!2. The overacting in death scenes, Classic!3. The fact that Shakma ran faster than a cougar, Classic!4. The obvious fake blood, Classic!5. When one of the actresses hides in the bathroom and Shakma gets her as she's climbing out of the window, Doubly Classic!Yes, yes I know it's supposed to be a horror flick but it turned out to be straight comedy. My best friend and I still talk about Shakma to this day. It's a must see.
HumanoidOfFlesh Roddy McDowall plays the professor Sorenson who juices up a baboon with brain serum so he'll be calmer,unfortunately he makes a mistake and instead of injecting the right serum,he injects the serum that turns him into a bloodthirsty predator."Shakma" is a much better film than Tom Logan's awful slasher "The Night Brings Charlie".It's full of violent animal action,mostly the baboon attacking and killing medical scientists and the other animals in the lab."Shakma" offers a nice amount of blood and gore and the killings are pretty brutal.The acting is solid,the score is amazing and the baboon is downright aggressive.Overall this is an immensely enjoyable animal-on-the-loose horror flick that should satisfy genre enthusiasts.Give it a chance.7 out of 10.