Amazonia: The Catherine Miles Story
Amazonia: The Catherine Miles Story
R | 02 October 1985 (USA)
Amazonia: The Catherine Miles Story Trailers

A young woman seeks vengeance and finds love when her parents are killed in the Amazon and she is taken prisoner by an indigenous tribe of headhunters.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Woodyanders Sweet, lovely, innocent rich girl Catherine Miles (nicely played by stunningly comely blonde knockout Elvire Audray) celebrates her 18th birthday with her parents in the Amazon jungle. Catherine winds up being abducted by a savage and primitive tribe of head hunters after her parents are brutally murdered. Poor Catherine gets stripped naked, smeared with smelly oil, becomes the love slave of a vile lout who defiles her, tries to escape, and eventually adopts as best she can to her dismal situation to the point where she falls in love with noble warrior Umukai (handsome Will Gonzales). However, Catherine still wants to escape and exact a harsh revenge on the killers of her parents. Director Mario Gariazzo relates the grimly arresting plot in a sturdy and compelling manner. Silvano Ippoliti's stark, no-frills cinematography gives the film an effectively gritty semi-documentary look. Franco Campanino's sweeping majestic score likewise hits the pleasing melodic spot. The acceptable acting, okay dubbing, suitably hideous graphic gore (several ghastly decapitations rate as the definite gruesome highlights), steady pace, breathtaking verdant jungle scenery, surprisingly poignant love story, and the plentiful female nudity (Audrey looks especially delectable sans clothes) are all up to speed as well. One of the better and more satisfying of the many Italian cannibal splatter features made back in the late 70's up until the mid 80's.
Lord-of-Delusion Being a "connoisseur" of bad and tasteless cinema, I didn't really track this flick down, but more or less stumbled upon it at Best Buy. Well, what do you expect from a review on the front that says "The blood flows freely, and the clothes drop often." SHAZAM! Now, I am seasoned enough to know that usually when you see tags like that, the exact opposite happens. Not so in this case. I am not even going to bother with the story line, as that has been discussed already. Instead, let's focus on the exploitation factors. Nudity? Loads of it. The lead actress is pretty much nekkid for 3/4 of the film. This distracts from an otherwise horrid acting performance, but hey, we're not looking for Oscar nominees with titles like "White Slave", are we? Blood and violence? Oh yes, we have that as well, and some of it is actually pretty decent! Let's see: Decapitations- check. Blow darting- check. Gratuitous acts of animal violence (a tiger jumping up and nailing this little monkey is pretty sweet)- check. We also have random club beatings, and people hung upside down to be eaten alive by insects. Yeah, this was definitely a good way to knock off an hour and a half of my life. Anyway, if you're looking for another Cannibal Holocaust, forget it. This is just a guilty pleasure, with no scars left behind (unlike Cannibal Holocaust), and one worth checking out. I give it 7 out of 10 for more boobies than you can shake a stick at.
Sic Coyote I have just watched this for the first time, I started watching thinking oh no, another Cannibal Holocaust wannabe, with it's VERY similar music and opening titles.Fortunatly the whole central section of the movie is totally different, apart from the obvious facts of being set in the Amazon.It's actually quite a well written (for the genre) tale of a girl who is dragged into the Amazon and lives with a tried there.There is a lot of nudity but for the more part it doesn't feel gratuitous but rather just what you would expect.There is some blood and some sexual situations but mostly not 'too' exploitationary.On the whole this is a film I think I'd like to watch again, although it's not without it's faults which include the dubbing and some VERY gratuitous animal stock footage.There are some interesting twists and turns in the movie too which makes a change, and no HUGE leaps of logic plot-wise. It also makes a far better point about western man being the real cannibals, far better than Cannibal Holocaust.6/10
Helltopay27 I went into this movie expecting toned down mockery of Cannibal Holocaust, and to say the very least, that it was going to suck. I was more excited that I had found a copy of this movie than seeing the movie itself. When I saw it, I was very pleasantly surprised. This is no masterpiece, no doubt, but for the fans of B-grade cinema, Amazonia is right up their alley (which is one reason why I enjoyed it); the problems don't outweigh the fun. It's not exactly action packed, but there are some scenes that make gore-mongers cheer. The most surprising aspect of the film is not how similar it is to Cannibal Holocaust, but how similar it is to The Man from the Deep River. The events are almost exactly mirrored, so obviously the Cannibal Holocaust connection is pure marketing. It's more of a drama and a romance than a horror movie, which can be found odd for most enthusiasts. Those strongly hoping for a bloodbath beware: this isn't the movie for you, but those looking for a pleasant surprise and few laughs, pick this one up.The story is narrated by Catherine Miles, who is on trial for the double murder of the people responsible for her parents' deaths. She leaves her boarding school and can't wait to visit her parents on a nice trip to their plantation in the Amazon. However, when they're on a boat ride down the Amazon River with her uncle and aunt following behind in a motorboat, her parents are blow darted to death, and Catherine passes out after being hit in the arm with a poison dart. She wakes up to see Umukai standing over her, as he proceeds to remove her parents' heads as trophies. He spares her because of her youth and beauty (trying to keep up with the rest of the corny plot) and meets up with the other warriors, who take her back to the village, some several miles away. Catherine is bought from the chief by an old, "rich" villager, who finds he can't pleasure himself with her because she's a virgin. Basically, she's tormented and deflowered by a wooden dildo, but before she has the misfortune of being raped by an old man, Umukai challenges him to the death for her, and, of course, he wins. The rest of the story is Umukai trying to win Catherine over (as she is now his woman, his property), but Catherine can't because she thinks he killed her parents. But when he tells her the truth of what happened on the boat almost a year ago, she does fall in love with him, and he helps her exact her revenge, which is one of the best scenes in the movie.This is one example of exploitation at its finest, and while it doesn't have the non-stop sleaze and fun of Massacre in Dinosaur Valley, it's grostesque enough, and exploits some factors, such as nudity, to above what you're normally seeing. Again, it's not soft-porn, but it's unadultered and uncensored. But other than the exploitation factor, there's plenty of things that keeps it from being far from perfect. The biggest problem with this is that it screams to be a blockbuster adventure movie, but frankly, it's not. It tries to copy elements from other, more successful films instead of trying to be all that it is. For instance, it tries to blend genres of the adventure/cannibal movie with a crime/trial drama. But it doesn't make it look like a more sophisticated film; it blows up in its face. The same goes for the non-chronological storyline. It needed to just stay with the basics, keep it simple. You're dealing with a somewhat obscure genre, so by changing the norm, you only risk alienating your film from the limited number of fans of the genre. The Man from the Deep River worked because not only was it a better movie, but it was the first cannibal movie. The reason I enjoyed it enough was that I looked past this farce and saw more than just the cannibal genre in it. Though it is indeed slow moving at times, there's more to it than what meets the eye. First off, it's a mystery movie. There is no other film in the cannibal genre that's a mystery movie. The twist at the end is very clever and unique, and, again, not a lot of these fils have any plot twists (or ones well executed). However, some of these twists bring question into the plot. For instance, one twist is that Umakai falls in love with the modern outsider. Why? Because of her beauty? That's what we're led to believe. The only point is to build the plot around it. Where's the character development? It only comes from Catherine, while it should come from both.So while it's definitely not perfect, it has enough substance to not only make it bearable, but rather enjoyable. As usual, some mysogyny is present, but like the violence, it's very toned down. Like almost all exploitation movies (save a select few), this isn't exactly what you would call a "good" movie, and, most likely, only B-movie fans will enjoy it. However, even if cannibals and exploitation isn't exactly your forte, there's still enough action in the movie to keep you interested. Not to say it doesn't have problems, which it's chocked full of. The bad acting and dubbing drags it down, and the trial drama aspect could be wiped out completely. The biggest problem to me is the makeup and wardrobe, as the "primitive" tribe looks to neat and clean. Other than that, there's no plot holes, and flows easily enough. So most of the problems are merely superficial. It has its own certain "bad movie charm" that makes fans of outrageous cinema smile. Still, it's specially made for cannibal-genre die hards, so for anyone other than that, it's just an interesting obscurity.
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