Alien Outpost
Alien Outpost
NC-17 | 30 January 2015 (USA)
Alien Outpost Trailers

A documentary crew follows an elite unit of soldiers in the wake of an alien invasion.

Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
brendanlarrow I was nervous going into the movie, as I heard mixed reviews on it. Was it perfect? No, of course not. But, the set and connections that you grow to some characters truly create an awesome environment! Only critique, I would say is the sound effects of the guns, as they seemed to lack that "boom" but, aside from minor CGI flaws, the movie was well produced. Would recommend.
Paul Adcock I enjoyed this movie & found it to be a competent & entertaining offering in all respects. The story line was well developed & engaging. The characters, though somewhat clichéd to some extent, were believable & well rounded. The acting, sets & direction were flawless. Alien Outpost is definitely no amateur hour effort. Yep. It's a great flick. But let's face it... it is imbedded with a non too subtle political subtext & could easily have been called 'Terrorist' Outpost. To begin with, the troops are American marines stationed in an Arabic country, namely Pakistan, where they are constantly under attack from the local tribesmen. In fact, the only enemy we see for a good part of the movie are turban-bound combatants who object to the presence of an American outpost in their country. But of course the Americans 'must' be there to fight the big bad terrorists. I mean... aliens. And the overwhelming premise presented by the film is that, yes.. it's okay for Americans to slap a military outpost in any country they want & sovereignty be damned.However, political bias notwithstanding it's a great flick & to be honest, the behaviour of the local tribesmen would probably be just the same if the main combatants were in fact aliens.
seamushassain A well acted film. How this scores only 4.7 I will never know. If you don't like war or sci-fi films then this isn't for you. If you do then watch it. You forget quite quickly that that this is a low budget film. It's similar to district 9 but in my opinion is much better. If you like this genre of film then I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. To be honest I can't really think of anything negative to say about it. A well acted film with a good story. The special effects are really quite good considering it's not a big budget film. It's always nice when you're not expecting much from a film but it delivers more. A good start middle and ending in the film.
Afotey Annum Alien Outpost (AKA Outpost 37) tells the story of the last human military outpost on Earth left to fight off what's left of a hostile invading extraterrestrial force. This was a really good piece IMHO. I thought that the sense of realism it gave off was excellent. I found it refreshing, to be honest. Full Disclosure Moment™: I'm a HUUUUUUGE fan of found footage/mockumentaries, so that gave this piece an extra boost in my eyes. LOLI thought the acting was great, especially the commander @ the base. He really gave an impression of being someone that commands great respect. The effects were about on par with what you might see in a SyFy Channel (WTF with that dumb ass name change! I HATE it LOL) original series. Nothing ILM quality, but totally passable. The effects simply get the job done.I like how the film paralleled today's conflict in the Middle East with an alien invasion. Themes of xenophobia are explored here in decent detail. For me, the draw was the overall feel of the thing. It felt like a real account of an actual incident that took place. Overall, I thought this film was smart, well acted and very real feeling. A bit more cerebral than the usual fare in this genre. A welcome departure from the cookie cutter nonsense we usually get with found footage films. Stick around after the end credits for a really nice post credits scene! Great setup for a possible sequel.