Alien Dawn
Alien Dawn
R | 06 August 2012 (USA)
Alien Dawn Trailers

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
docgspot302 You cant put into words how terrible this film is. I cant believe the fact that its just trying to be war of the worlds. The original 50's film had more worth credit then this. The acting was poor the effects terrible and the sound effects stolen straight from war of the worlds. I cant understand in this day and age how a company can make this when its just a rip off copyrighted movie.In fact i laughed really hard when i read at the end of the credits that no infringements were meant to have been caused. really!!?? It really is so bad i wished i hadn't wasted my time watching it!Sorry but i wanted to pull my eyes out and put them in my ears
Puddncakes T This movie follows has a very "War of the Worldsy" theme, except that there are other movies that do it better, much much better. Any movie that depends heavily on visual FX without the budget and no script to speak of will suffer the consequences so I expected to be entertained by the unintentional badness but I was so wrong.-Bad acting can be interesting to watch. Not this time! The Main characters are boring and their relationships are stitched together rather sloppily.-Bad FX can be interesting to watch too. Nope, these just stink and they became annoying. The explosions and sparks (and there are a ton of these) have outlines around them and they kept using this horrid texture over the shots to simulate debris. The lighting of CG elements have a tendency of not matching the live footage and they were animated quite poorly. Not to mention some of the worst depth of field I've seen, rub petroleum jelly in your right eye, it would be the same effect.-Thin plots can be fun. Alien Dawn fails on this front as well, it just stumbled along until it came to it's anticlimactic end. I get it, technology has a lot of people believing they too can make sci fi movies but come on!
jet66 For every interpretation of H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" — from the radio broadcast and the movies, to the TV series — one could safely rely on consistency: interesting, if not always likable protagonists bearing witness to the near extinction of humanity at the three-fingered hands of aliens motoring around in tripod war machines firing death rays with a distinctive "pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew" sound. In fact, no matter how each version changed with location, hero or narrative device, the ray guns and tripods have been mandatory (often, using the same sound effects Byron Haskin's created for the 1953 movie). And just as consistently, every movie and TV producer since has as least acknowledged H.G. Wells' in a story credit. That is, until Neil Johnston dropped this steaming pile of dark matter onto our planet. Perhaps that's just as well. Why besmirch a great legacy with this amateurish entry? In a jumble of styles — which simply HAS to include some found-footage video journalism — the writer/director lifts from a variety of other sources as well. Most obviously, Dawn of the Dead, and the 1984 version of Red Dawn. Perhaps the only redeeming quality is including the word "Dawn" in the title, so the viewer might mistake this as some kind of homage.You might think that despite the crushing familiarity of the material, you could find a morsel of entertainment. Perhaps you have a fondness for cheaply-rendered 3D and quickly executed After Effects. But if you love clumsy hack writing, this is the movie for you. Betraying even less skill with dialog than he does with with plagiarizing plot, the director creates a world of bickering, unlikeable morons you don't care anything about. And they're often sputtering ill-considered truisms from other films. For example, after one character theorizes that the invading aliens are changing our terrestrial environment to suit their biological needs, a key character solemnly - and unironically - declares, "It's called 'Terraforming.'" Indeed. And Alien Dawn isn't the product of film-making, but rather "movie-forming."
one_hoop It didn't take long for me to start cheering for the aliens in this one. The acting and writing is terrible and the direction is even worse. The plot is moved along by shaky, flickering news coverage (including clips of President Obama) and by first-person "video diary" footage. It doesn't even seem as though there was a script, just loose direction.You know how some movies are released straight to DVD? This one is released straight to MST3k. Even if Rachelle Dimaria started fighting the aliens topless, it still wouldn't be worth your time, although let me know if that movie gets made. ;) The estimated budget was close to $2M, how many starving people could have been fed instead? Which is why anyone involved with this movie deserves to be fed to the aliens.