Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland
| 09 December 1985 (USA)
Alice in Wonderland Trailers

Classic tale of a girl named Alice who follows a white rabbit down a hole into Wonderland, where she can change sizes by eating and drinking and animals talk. After escaping the disturbing Queen of Hearts, she finds that she has ended up on the other side of the looking glass in Looking Glass Land and a Jabberwocky after her.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Clevercell Very disappointing...
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
vinciblestimps There were some standout performances here, but mostly it was a showcase for a lot of washed-up old stars to try to restart their careers. Jean Svankmajer's version has the proper sense of confusion, fear, and also fun. I know most people think of Alice in Wonderland as a totally cheery Disney thing, but the books are not necessarily so. Not that I wasn't afraid... seeing Carol Channing always creeps me out. I still can't figure out why some really fine performers were in this. Robert Morley? Imogene Coca? Sid Caesar? They must have been very broke, I guess.Anyway, I'd take many other versions over this one. I'm interested to see what the Tim Burton version will be like.
Honor Heymann I really don't know where to begin, but this movie has seriously changed my life. When I was little and we were traveling around the world and we went to France, we went into this little bookstore and they had a big door and a really small door for children, and I was pretending to be Alice when she was stuck in that room. My parents and sister laughed at me because my imagination was basically based on Alice in Wonderland. It's always been my favorite movie and I can't stop watching it. It is truly amazing, and I'd LOVE to get the DVD. I only have the VHS and it is really really poor quality and I would love if a soundtrack came out. I'm in love with every single song and if any of you hear of a soundtrack or have the songs, please e-mail me at Every scene has my attention and I can't imagine how my life would be if I never saw it. This is absolutely fantastic. :]
haking17 I saw this film when it first debuted on television. I have remembered it fondly over the years and was quite ecstatic to find it on DVD recently. I enjoy it even more now as an adult because I can pick up on the subtle messages of the film. Also, I can appreciate the all-star cast more, now that I am more familiar with them. Seeing such great actors like Sid Caesar, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Red Buttons is such a treat. The young actress who plays Alice is such a joy to watch. She often reminds me of Shirley Temple. I highly recommend this film for families and the young at heart. It is a classic film in every sense of the word.
renkiohen Its been beautiful to hear what seems to be the theme of my generation's experience with this film: "My mom/dad/grandma/grandpa taped this film when i was little/unborn and it glued me to the TV for all three hours of it." This was exactly how I experienced it and I feel nothing but gratitude to my parents for taping it and thus giving me the opportunity to watch it again and again and again...even though it TERRIFIED me! Somehow that didn't stop me from indulging in repeat viewings (my parents say I watched it incessantly). Of course, as I got older, I stopped watching it. But just recently I was shocked to find it in my hands as a DVD (my girlfriend heard me speak fondly of it and got it for me as an early x-mas present). Since then I've found myself wrapped in a myriad of awe, nostalgia, and even tears as childhood loves and fears have come flooding back to me because of this film. It's a riveting and beautiful story for children, but for adults who really listen its a treasure chest of wisdom. Buy this film for your kids and for yourself. It's enriched my life as both a child and an adult.