Absolutely Fabulous
Absolutely Fabulous
| 29 August 2001 (USA)
Absolutely Fabulous Trailers

The wildly popular British television show Absolutely Fabulous gets a Francophonic makeover with this film version directed by Gabriel Aghion. In this go around, Josiane Balasko and Nathalie Baye play the incorrigible Eddie and Patsy, who leave no impulse unenacted and no lust unsated -- be it for sex or the latest in designer clothing. Waking up from a night of drunken debauchery, the two dip right into a feast of champagne and caviar, much to the irritation of Eddie's elegant mother and her resentful daughter. As Eddie stretches an appalling pair of leopard-print leotards (complete with matching shoes, purse, and hat) over her massive rear end, she and Patsy learn of a handsome young Rollerblading delivery boy who quickly becomes the object of their lust. This film was screened at the 2001 Toronto Film Festival.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
GazerRise Fantastic!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Nicholas Rhodes The film is a remake in the French Language of an English Comedy series called Absolutely Fabulous. You cannot translate the humour of the original series into another language and to even envisage it was a total and utter waste of time. Imagine translating "Fawlty Towers" into French, God Forbid ! It's no more possible than translatine Amélie Poulain or Louis de Funès into English ! I cannot see any sane person in the world appreciating one iota of this film. It was a total bore from beginning to end and should never have been made. I have seen both actresses in other films where they were superb, but they must have been really hard up for money if they were willing to make a piece of crap like this !
Oreste Once you've accepted that you're not going to watch an episode of _Absolutely Fabulous_, you will enjoy this film. The two actresses are hilarious and the spirit and the decadence of the series is totally present. This film is very entertaining: I wasn't bored for one second!
Master_Yoda I only went to see this movie because I had the feeling it would suck. And I was right, the gags are really lame, and Josiane Balasko as Edina is awful. The original tv series was actually great, but this is a terrible movie, really really awful.Here's a tip, don't go see this movie.
Fredericmignard This is a French remake of the fabulous eponymous British TV series. The adaptation is successful as the director and the cast never betray the spirit of the TV hit. Aghion, the director, has chosen gags from various episodes and has gathered them together in a coherent screenplay. It looks an extended version of an episode of the series. It doesn't bring anything new for the fans of ab fab. With this movie adaptation, the director's aim is to reach a wider audience (we have to keep in mind that the British series is cult in France, but not really famous). Fortunately, the film is as trash as on TV, and therefore really funny. Balasko and Baye perfectly embody the 2 demented alcoholic fashion victims and as far as I am concerned, I kept laughing from the beginning till the end. Not fabulous, but close to.