Don Peyote
Don Peyote
NR | 01 May 2014 (USA)
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An ordinary guy delves deep into counterculture, conspiracy theories and the like as he tries to discern the structure of society.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
mach-mcm Dan Foglar. I enjoyed your film, but it made me sad.Sometimes I am not sure if this movie is real or not. because if not. it might actually be what is real, and this is a figment of my imagination. But how would you know, my dreams are never remembered. But in my dreams I'm never remembered. Who is telling me the truth My eyes which swear with every bit of their worth that they tell trues. My Brain which sits on the fence because logic has gone. My heart which sides with whoever treats it kindest. My body which moans one moment but can feel the polar next. Or My mind who looks at the two paths and takes both simultaneously but only to realize when they both reach summation that it was only a thought, that the mind was sitting at the fork and had wasted 2 lives only to collapse from fear of the unknown.It is a real invisible bridge of the last crusade?
bbickley13-921-58664 I feel like I was not in the right state of mind to really enjoy this movie. Then again, the three kids in the back of the theater where in the right state of mind, I could smell if from the front row, but even they left before the movie was over.The movie was real psychedelic in that 1960's sort of way, but rather than an acid trip the filmmakers get high on the chronic. A different experience that I feel makes the movie suffer.High on weed, the movie is more strange than funny. Too strange to really justify me sitting in that theater for 90mins. The jokes I more just got than found funny.The movie's value is increased by what I'm guessing is the filmmakers many friends making cameos. Topher Grace,and especially, Josh Duhamel who plays a wondering hobo were fantastic. Other stars made cameos but not as impressive. I went in wanting to enjoy this and I wish I did but I can't.
Liam Blackburn If you watch alex jones too long, you will start to die inside. We're all dying inside. We don't understand that there is nothing to understand. We do not exist. The Piper's calling you to join him. Dear lady can you hear the wind blow, and did you know. Your stairway lies on the whispering wind. Follow the Pied Piper (reptilian entity) to your damnation. We all know who the reptilians are. They control the media, the lobby, the judicial system. The reptilians exist in the next density, occupying the bodies of their "chosen ones". They thrive off of hurt and pain, they bathe in pools of gold, sterling, and silver. They run the racket. They aren't a Model T. They are the bloodsucking ism. The lecherous mob of traveling swindlers, waiting with baited breath to infiltrate the next unsuspecting society they come across. They are the Pied Pipers casting spells with wands made of Holly.
Mitchell Gordon just got finished watching this movie. I don't see how the title fits the name. However, I really enjoyed it. It's not that their were many famous actors throughout the film, but, I really liked it. This film reminded me of the film Train Spotting. It was a very drug induced movie from start to finish. I watched it with an open mind and it ended nicely. Two thumbs up in my book. I really enjoyed it. I too am someone who believes in a lot of the messages that permeated through most of the film. I can't wait to read what other people write as a review. I won't give any spoilers out as you really need to watch this film with an opened mind. You might find some parts of the movie to be confusing, just go with it. Everything will be answered in the end.Ultimately, you will enjoy this movie as much as I had. The message that I got from this movie is that YOU the sheeple need to wake up and stop listening to the main stream media. You need to SEE what our government is really doing. This film solidified my research that I have done about the NEW WORLD ORDER. We need to stand up to the Tyranny and stop being part of the 99%. I faithfully listen to Alex Jones of Info Wars and between this movie and my research......WOW!!!! It's time to start stocking up for the end of the world.I'm glad I saw this movie. Yes, you may think I'm crazy, but, someone had to write this movie and they too had to do their research. Whatever you do, you must SEE THIS FILM!!!
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