A Time to Love and a Time to Die
A Time to Love and a Time to Die
NR | 09 July 1958 (USA)
A Time to Love and a Time to Die Trailers

A German soldier home on leave falls in love with a girl, then returns to World War II.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
verna-a I can recommend this war film. Despite distracting weaknesses in production quality, the power of the material carries the viewer along very effectively. The scenario is the dying days of World War II from the perspective of a German soldier. This represents unusual material for Hollywood, and romantic leading man John Gavin is odd casting as the hero. Although his flashes of American pearly whites are incongruous, he and indeed all the actors do quite well in their parts although hampered by the forced pace of the direction and the artificial quality of the sound recording. Clearly overdubbed, the dialogue has the quality of a read- through in an indoor studio, despite most of the action being out-of-doors. The cinematography is quite good and the sets impressive as the soldier Ernst moves from the horrors of the Russian front to the heavily-bombed hometown where he returns on leave. Trying to find what has become of his parents, he receives little sympathy from his countrymen and women, who are deadened (or maddened) by the bombardment from the skies they are experiencing. Officialdom is represented by a range of repulsive types, underlining the moral ambiguity the hero is struggling with after his experiences on the front. Where in all this horror is anything worth living for? The answer comes in his developing relationship with the winsome Elizabeth, portrayed by a delightful actress whose name is not familiar to me. What hopes of happiness in the maelstrom of the times? A poignant moment comes when the couple fantasize where they would like to go for a honeymoon, only to reflect that as Germans they would be hated just about everywhere. I found this a memorable film.
The_Ringo_Kid I'm not one to watch really any film that seems to have romance in it set during war. However, the first time I watched this movie, I was really amazed at how well it was done as well as the most excellent cast for a movie and the realism that it showed. Also, I do not care for films with much romancing in it however, I liked this film and how the romance between a German Soldier and some Fraulein; was shown.Young German soldier returns to a devastated hometown on leave from the Eastern Front. First he tries to locate his family after discovering their home was destroyed on some bombing raid. Whilst looking for family, he runs into an old professor of his as well as his daughter. During his time on leave, he falls in love with this girl and they eventually get married. Also, the professor had been arrested for some reason and was shucked away to some interrogation center - which really was a Concentration Camp. Sometime later in the movie, this soldier discovers the professors fate.During his leave, this soldier befriends and teams up with another soldier--who is also looking for a loved one. Don DeFore excellently plays that soldier. Also in the film in memorable roles include: Keenan Wynn as a rich German Corporal, Jock Mahoney as Steinbrenner, a "crack" machine-gunner who is in Gavin's (Graebers) platoon, as well as a very young Dana "Jim" Hutton, as a young German soldier in Graebers platoon.I do not want to spoil what happens at the end of this movie but will say that Graeber gets sent back to his platoon somewhere on the Eastern Front.This movie is so good that it really deserves to be released on DVD. It is in color and the sound is excellent.
dinky-4 A Douglas Sirk film from Universal Pictures in 1958 -- this is probably the wrong combination of director, studio, and year for a grim movie about Germany in the last months of World War II. Everything, including John Gavin's well-coiffed hair, looks a bit too "Hollywood."However, this disconnect between style and substance has its advantages, too, creating an underlying sort of tension which keeps the movie from being labeled a failure.Watch the supporting cast for Jock Mahoney, Klaus Kinski, and Dana ("Jim") Hutton. Lilo Pulver is an earnest but uncompelling leading lady and John Gavin never looked handsomer. (And that's saying something!) You need to wait about 50 minutes before he takes his shirt off and the resulting scene is disappointingly brief but any sight of The Chest is a cause for celebration.Point to ponder: would any Hollywood studio risk this kind of ending in today's market?
sbox This film, beautifully shot, is the tale of a simple soldier falling in love, during trying times. The soldier is German. The struggle is World War II. The setting is Berlin.1958 was surely a hard year to make such a film. In fact, this film could not be made today. However, this love story was made, with the enemy at the focus. Of course, enemy never crossses the viewer's mind. We are with the protaganist throughout the movie.In short, this is an important film of significant value. Not because it is about history, but because it is about the redeeming quality of humanity, even if displayed in the setting of our onetime enemy.
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