All That Heaven Allows
All That Heaven Allows
NR | 25 December 1955 (USA)
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Two different social classes collide when Cary Scott, a wealthy upper-class widow, falls in love with her much younger and down-to-earth gardener, prompting disapproval and criticism from her children and country club friends.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
phd_travel Jane Wyman stars a wealthy widow in a conservative town and Rock Hudson stars as her much younger gardener who falls in love with her. As the relationship progresses she faces a nasty town gossip, disapproval from the friends at the club and finally the non acceptance by her children.Quite insightful movie with some clear powerful messages for it's time. When a movie is good it doesn't feel dated even though the fact of dating a younger man nowadays is slightly less taboo the sense of ostracism for having a different relationship is still relevant today be it due to race gender or religion.Liked the part where after making the sacrifice for her kids it turned out the kids didn't really care later on and she realizes she didn't have to sacrifice after all.The cinematography is pretty.Worth a watch.
atlasmb Call it a melodrama. At times, the music swells to remind us that so much is on the line. Call it a soap opera. The script hardly misses a chance to string along the emotions of the viewer. But "All That Heaven Allows" is more than that, if only for its message--a simple one, but one that is extremely important: to thine own self be true.This story of romance would be worthwhile watching only for this lesson, but it offers more. The sets are beautiful. The direction is solid. Jane Wyman, who stars as Cary Scott, is convincing as the confused woman who loves a younger man but lacks the strength to follow her feelings. Rock Hudson plays the object of her affections--a man of principles who won't compromise his values. Gloria Talbott, who plays Cary's daughter, has a screen presence that, perhaps, could have been utilized more. Likewise, Agnes Moorehead as Cary's friend, Sara Warren.This is not a great film, but it represents its era very well, in terms of quality and theme.
SnoopyStyle Cary Scott (Jane Wyman) is an affluent widow with two grown children. They still come home for the weekends but she lives an empty live. Ron Kirby (Rock Hudson) is her arborist who runs his father's nursery. Cary and the younger Ron grow closer and he proposes to her. She's scared but she eventually accepts. She becomes gossip material. Then everybody else objects especially her kids. She sacrifices her happiness for them. She gets even more lonely and heart broken. Is it too late for her to find love? This is generally an old fashion romance except for the age difference and the expectation on the woman widower. The romance is pretty good with Wyman and Hudson although it does get very melodramatic at the end. The romance challenges the social morals of the conservative norms. The tension is quite good especially with her kids. Her facing her social expectations are some of the best scenes in the movie.
Ross622 Douglas Sirk's All That Heaven Allows is a very well done romantic movie that tells the story about a woman named Cary (played by Jane Wyman) who falls in love with a much younger man named Ron Kirby (played by Rock Hudson) with a chorus of disapproval by her friends, as well as her children because they don't think it is right to move away from a house that they have lived in for many years, mainly because of their age difference. The movie in my opinion is one of the best romance movies ever made, especially the performances by Wyman and Hudson are very convincing. Sirk really does know how to execute a wonderful romance movie like this one but it is certainly not the best to put it that way.The movie also features an excellent supporting cast which includes Agnes Moorehead as Cary's best friend Sara who is very skeptical about the marriage at first but then says it is up to Cary to decide for herself, Gloria Talbot and William Reynolds as Cary's two children who disapprove of the marriage the most even more than Cary's peers combined. But in the end it is till a great movie that should be watched, treasured, and never forgotten by all movie lovers.