A Pig's Tale
A Pig's Tale
PG | 07 June 1996 (USA)
A Pig's Tale Trailers

Kids' comedy with all the clichés. Six boys (hero, pudgy, dumb, romeo, etc), reluctantly sent to summer camp, are grouped together in a ramshackle hut, and instantly identified as losers and outcasts by the overconfident camp bullies, who target gorgeous Tiffany (Jakub) as their Lothario's girlfriend. They set out to make everyone's life miserable as they impose their authority on the other kids and ineffective counselors alike. Andy, the good-guy hero, of course has a crush on Tiffany, but hasn't a clue how to approach her. Gradually, the nice guys gain the edge over the bullies, by honest endeavor and standing up for themselves - and in doing so, win over the other kids, even Tiffany. Until the bullies frame them and have them expelled.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Chris A Pig's Tale A Brilliant, Funny, Thrashing, Exciting, Adorable Yet Cool Family Childhood Film. Amazing acting from all of the child stars. Especially Graham Sack and Lisa Jakub they both played lovely parts and connected well together throughout the film.Paul Tassie directed A Pig's Tale very good from my point of view. Todd Richardson, Scott Sandorf, and Charles Ransom wrote the film and brought together a amazing story and turned into film. A Pig's Tale was a exciting and funny adventure for all families to enjoy.It's a kid's comedy of the summer at summer camp where anything can happen. "Summer camp will never be the same." Six boys who are pigs will forever bring a big adventure for all families. AWESOME COMEDY!
puddy_44 This movie is on along the same lines as Thrashin', and Camp Nowhere, absolutely brilliant. Yes Prodution value is relatively terrible, the storyline is what some would call lame or just plain terrble, but that doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that this movie is awesome. Anyone who is a fan of cheezy movies of the nineties, this is for you, clichés run rampant, heroes are forged by trials of fire, and overly elaborate pranks are pulled, and did i mention there is a heroic waterskiing scene. If you ever get a chance to watch this movie you will be lucky beyond measure, its a treat for all intelligent human beings.
andrew71388 I saw this movie one weekend the same as the guy who saw it on showtime or what not and I love this movie since my first viewing. Now every time i get a chance i watch it. The story is full of cliches but it makes it more cheesy fun. Andy (Graham Sack) reluctantly goes to summer camp and is immediately sent to the outcast cabin (The Pigs) There he meets fellow outcasts that help him stand up to the bullys(the wolves) and get the girl Tiffany (Lisa Jakub of Mrs Doubtfire fame ;). I would Recomend this great move to anyone who isnt narrow minded and trashes everything they see! 10/10
-=Zipp=- Yes, the film is nothing but one huge cliche...boy falls for girl, boy has to defeat bigger boy to get girl, boy's quirky friends help boy accomplish all of this.However, the movie turns out being what it was supposed to be--fun. In this era of every film trying to make some point or political statement, it's rare that a movie just comes around to make us laugh. Luckily, this movie came around to do just that. While it's made for children, both kids and adults...well, maybe adults, will enjoy it. Like I said before, it's just a fun little movie, and if more people knew about it, it would be sure to become a cult favorite.