There's Only One Jimmy Grimble
There's Only One Jimmy Grimble
PG | 25 August 2000 (USA)
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Jimmy Grimble is a shy Manchester school boy. At school he is constantly being bullied by the other kids, and at home he has to face his mother's new boyfriend. However, through football, and some special boots, he manages to gain the confidence to succeed and leads his school football team towards the final of the local schools cup.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
tessaba "There's Only One Jimmy Grimble" This movie is an action packed movie that shows just how much a young boy Jimmy Grimble loves to play soccer and one day he dreams of playing for his favorite team Manchester City. To do this he must convince the soccer scouts that he has what it takes to become a professional soccer player.My favorite character in this movie would have to be Jimmy Grimble. This is because he is very passionate about soccer and he will never give up until he becomes a professional soccer player.An example of Jimmy Grimble not giving up is when he trials for the school soccer team and a few days later he finds out that he made the team.Thought out his journey of playing for the school soccer team Jimmy makes many new friends including an old woman who gives him a pair of magic boots and made him play like a pro the boots once belonged to Robby Brewer who apparently played for Manchester City.At the end of the film Jimmy realizes that the boots aren't magic and that he can play soccer very well without the boots and ends up playing for Manchester City just has he had dreamed once before.By: Tessa Barnes
siideri_lasu What an inspiring movie for both kids and adults alike, you'd think that this sort of movies have been made over and over again. You're wrong, "Jimmy Grimble" is beyond the sugar coated disney type of yarns.It's grim, sad, fun and full of joy all at once, but not superficial.I think this film is a real boost for all of us to stop doubting ourselves and go do what ever we enjoy and be the best we can.Extra points for the scriptwriters for including Man City as an integral part of the movie, the Blues are as genuine as the movie.
Gubby-Allen This was 10 times the film Billy Elliott was, but not being about something controversial, PC or arty it was never going to get the acclaim. Occasionally it threatened to get a little unrealistic but never did & was clear people who actually understood football had a hand in writing it. (Barring one or two scenes where Jimmy seemed to have the pitch to himself).Brilliant acting from all major parties, a great modern film but one for all ages, which is quite rare these days, and will evoke most emotions in the viewer.A high 8/10.
cottrellpj A bit unfair to criticize this film too much, it's set up like a British made for television feature (low budget, authentic grotty settings, ludicrous phony snow on the streets) and is clearly intended for a young audience. This must be the only Britflick I've seen lately that doesn't use the "f" or "c" words. In the end I felt good about it, despite the predictable progress of the plot and the heavyhanded "moral of the story" moments. The viewer will enjoy this more if he/she is up on British footballing culture, and the accents are much thicker than on Coronation Street, so you have been warned. Good cast, though every part except Jimmy Grimble himself is underwritten. McKee is gorgeous (but who buys her as a slutty single Mum?) and Carlyle takes a minimalist approach to a role that's already fairly thin on paper. Winstone is a wonderful presence without much to do, and the football scenes are more believable than in most pictures (except for the final moments, in which Jimmy is either 100 yards offside or the entire opposition took an actor's union tea break).
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