The Way
The Way
PG-13 | 07 October 2011 (USA)
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When his son dies while hiking the famed Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in the Pyrenees, Tom flies to France to claim the remains. Looking for insights into his estranged child’s life, he decides to complete the 500-mile mountain trek to Spain. Tom soon joins up with other travelers and realizes they’re all searching for something.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
beaubaez I'm wasn't expecting much when my wife force me to watch this movie about some people going on an ancient pilgrim's path, but I was captivated by the movie. The plot, the cinematography, the acting--all first rate.The reason that this move is interesting is because it includes themes anyone can relate to: love, death, loss, and companionship. Also, learning so much about the history of this ancient path, with its various traditions. After watching the movie I have a strong desire to do the "camino."
paul-craig-meyer-50 Having been inspired enough to do this amazing walk myself, it's still special to watch this film again and again!! Martin Sheen, Emilio Estevez and the whole rest of the cast and crew did an amazing job capturing the essence of what it is to walk the Camino DE Santiago. It's funny because I did the trip with my mom a year and a half ago, and the November right before we embarked on the Camino I saw this movie briefly, not all of it but enough to convince me to say "what the hell" and walk 500 miles!!! When you are able to watch this film with the ability to see places in this film they walked in filming the movie but to have walked there yourself is pretty damn special!!! Hats off to this awesome cinematic experience that transcends to the depths of sympathy, empathy and just getting to the point of perceptiveness of seeing we are all human despite our differences and flaws.
Phoebe Wow, what is there really to say about this movie? It had so many aspects to it that just really made it a good movie overall. Character development, check. A lovable cast, check. Memorable quotes, check. "You don't choose a life, you live it." is probably one of the most memorable quotes from the entire movie and the under lying message of the movie itself. The story of a pilgrimage taken by several people leading to the same destination for different purposes.The story moves in such a way that the audience is able to connect and feel the depth of each individual character. There are no shallow characters in this movie, that is for sure - even the characters that only appear for several minutes have a certain interest to them. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for something interesting with depth.The reason this movie develops so well is because the journey is almost like a time-line. Each section of the road is like a doorway to more character develop. As the characters develop they slowly become more connected to the audience because it's like we're being taken on a journey with them. The cinematography is also another thing that adds to the overall greatness of the film. The country side is extremely beautiful and far shots really fill you with the same sense of wonder that the characters must of felt. So I'll say it once again, I strongly do recommend this film.
jb_campo The Way is a film about a younger man who wants to go his own way while his rich father encourages him to lead a more predictable path. For similar films, see 3 Idiots, a Bollywood gem. Emilio Estevez chooses to trek across southern France to Spain on the Camino to Santiago, an 800 km hike. Bad news happens quickly, and you soon find his father, Martin Sheen, in France taking care of family business. The part that is somewhat difficult to believe is that Sheen can go from a pretty sedentary life, to suddenly hiking 800 kms without a hitch.But it is the journey that counts, and he meets 3 interesting characters who accompany him on El Camino, The Way. It is these interactions with Joost from Holland, Jack from Ireland, and Sarah from Canada that the director Estevez weaves meaning in and out of the story. You learn about the characters, why they are doing this, what drives them, and you slowly see Martin Sheen change before your eyes as the experiences of being on the road open his eyes to more than he normally sees in his offices in California.The Way will make you cry, and laugh, and feel good about the friends you make, and have already made. It is one of those films, like It's a Wonderful Life, where you have to play with the hand you are dealt and learn to appreciate the good things and possibilities that away you on your own journey.My only critique is that the movie did run a big long at just over 2 hours. It could have easily been trimmed down 15 minutes without any loss of quality.You will really like the Way. Enjoy.