A Kiss at Midnight
A Kiss at Midnight
NR | 26 December 2008 (USA)
A Kiss at Midnight Trailers

They say the cobbler's children go barefoot, but must the matchmaker's children go motherless? After their widower father moves to a new town and sets up a computerized matchmaking business, two girls set out to find a stepmother. They create a dating application in the company computer for him. Then they cull through all new women applicants to hand pick the perfect woman for him and force the computer to match them. They don't know the woman they picked is the proprietor of the old-fashioned matchmaking service in town who is planning to prove the computer matching is incompetent.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Micitype Pretty Good
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
ladyMoonEclipse i loved it, it was lots of fun and i thought the couple had immediate chemistry, plus his daughters were super cute!i love how they both have clearly different personality, everything flowed flawlessly for a hallmark film until the end where they rushed it a bit with your typical extreme situation that brings everyone back together in the nick of time but really its a quibble in the overall fact that i enjoyed it, i even clapped at the end!sometimes you're just in the mood for a wholesome love story that the whole family can watch without worrying about inappropriate scenes and language, also i thought it was very interesting take showing the personal lives and struggles of the people behind these online matchmaking business, kinda reminded me of "you've got mail"
folsominc2 I really enjoyed this movie from the start even though it was a bit hokey, but why not, right? Sometimes the world needs a dash of hoke! HOWEVER, just as the characters started to turn interesting, just as the plot might have thickened and the conflict blossom good . . . it fell flat with a quicky ending that left your mouth hanging open.The viewer also wants to know "the end of the story" as Paul Harvey would say. What happened with their companies? Did they merge the "from the heart" theory of matchmaking with the "from the scientific" part? Was her mother's new husband really as good as he seemed or just another bozo looking for a rich meal ticket? It never completely finished. The viewer is expecting detailed explanations to be made, just not the traditional walk down the isle, kiss at midnight and over.I was really into the picture and couldn't believe that it would give such a non-existent ending. The chemistry was good between the characters which is a lot to say for movies made today and the girls were sweet although sometimes a bit TOO sweet that I wiped the sugar off my television after their scenes. But then . . . nothing.I would suggest to the producers to give it more or just make another plot with the same hero and heroine on similar lines but change their writers!
blanche-2 I admit that I only watched this because I love Cameron Daddo and interviewed him some years ago, circa 1998. He's as delightful as he is handsome."A Kiss at Midnight" is a typical Hallmark movie. It's very sweet, about two matchmakers (Faith Ford and Daddo) who meet thanks to the efforts of the man's two daughters.Even if it's not the greatest story in the world, it certainly has a likable cast. Besides Daddo and Ford, Dyan Cannon is on hand as Ford's mom, who gets together with Hal Linden. The daughters are very cute as well.Predictable but very pleasant.
TxMike I have always liked Faith Ford, with her easy, natural comedic style. Here she plays a strict dramatic role in what could have been a romantic comedy but is just a romance story. Ford, 44, is Susan Flowers, about to turn 40 and wondering if she will ever find romance in her life. This is especially ironic since she runs a successful match-making business in this California valley town. The title of the movie stems from her New Year's resolution to have someone next New Year "to kiss at midnight."Cameron Daddo is Josh Sherman, head of the new dating service in town, but without the personal touch. His company uses computers to match characteristics and people, but he seems to busy to get dates for himself. This new company is taking business away from Susan, so she sets out to discredit their approach and blog about it, as a way to regain her busy business.So Susan submits her own profile to that dating company, and expects to meet several mis-matches. She starts off well, with a man that is obviously too young, and another who is a bit weird. But then the two daughters of widower Josh get into the act. They start looking for a woman for their dad and settle on Susan. I will not discuss all the things they did, but suffice to say they were able to facilitate a meeting. They quickly became attached to Susan and started to hope that she would become their new "mom." Dyan Cannon is good as Susan's single mom, Kay Flowers, who meets her own "Mr Right." The movie is pretty predictable but the two girls who play Josh's daughters are cute and fun to watch, as are the other actors.