A Christmas Story 2
A Christmas Story 2
PG | 06 September 2012 (USA)
A Christmas Story 2 Trailers

The original traditional one-hundred-percent red-blooded two-fisted all-American Christmas continues five years later with Ralphie, Randy, mom and the old man. This time Ralphie has his eyes fixed on a car. But trouble is sure to follow.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
dhainline1 I have a soft spot in my heart for the original "A Christmas Story" from 1983. Little Ralphie wants a Red Rider BB gun for Christmas and we can all relate to wanting something so bad we can taste it! This time, Ralphie Parker is a teen boy played by Braeden Lemasters who wants a car instead of a BB gun. They want all of us to think everything is the same as the first movie. How wrong the writers of this are! No one but no one can play Ralphie like Peter Billingsley did in the first movie. Braeden tries but he seems so immature for his age and the fantasies he has about his school crush Drucilla Gootrad (Tiera Skovbye) cross into stalker territory. While Daniel Stern was excellent in "Home Alone" he can't live up to Darren McGavin's portrayal as the Old Man who was stern but at the same time a kind father. Let's all forget this movie exists and everyone will remember "A Christmas Story" one hundred years from now while forgetting the sequel even exists!
Matthew Luke Brady This movie actually broke the record of getting so much dislikes on YouTube for the first teaser video, that's how bad this film is.The film follows five years later with Ralphie, Randy, mom and the Old Man. When 15 year-old Ralphie accidentally wrecks his dream car before even getting it off the lot, he and his friends Flick and Schwartz band together to raise the money to fix it by Christmas Eve - before the car dealer tells the Old Man. They all get their (first!) jobs, but run into trouble at every turn.To be honest I didn't know they was a squeal to A Christmas Story, so I checked it out online and watch the full movie and it's by far the worst squeal and Christmas movie ever made. I was just like everybody else when news first broke out about this movie release and a lot of people and even me where really mad about this. 16,457 Dislikes and only 941 likes Doug Walker (Nostalgic Critic) Did a review of this movie and by the review is pretty funny so if you haven't checked it out yet, please do, so anywhere he did a review of this movie and he got every single thing that bothered me about the film right and it's so good to see him destroy this movie.Everything about this movie sucks. The acting is god awful, the writing feels lazy and unfinished and there didn't really need a squeal to A Christmas Story. The first film was fine on it's own.
Pete Wagner Jean Shepherd has got to be spinning in his grave. I haven't read his books, but we've watched the original "A Christmas Story" 20 - 30 times. To say it is only a movie or forget about comparisons and just take it as something new and just 4 fun is a symptom of a society that has lost its soul. The richness of the writing of the 1982 original (somebody mentioned there are parts of #2 that are taken from Shepherd's stories, and I think I can guess which--I would bet the visit to the dentist, one of the few funny moments) is not just a hard act to follow, but a national treasure. The original transports us back to another time when the world and especially this country were qualitatively different than it is now. Every detail, the cast, every nuance, the whole aesthetic, gels to remove us from the cynicism and political correctness and every other aspect of Today to a world that some of us can remember, almost remember, or at least, imagine we remember. The would-be sequel fails completely to understand, much less appreciate, the beauty or depth of this magic. The cast is all wrong. Crudeness was a part of that era, but it was configured in a totally different way from the 1-dimensional postmodern context which this one is locked into. The demon White Male stereotype this buys into is devoid of any comprehension whatsoever of the character Darren McGavin so perfectly portrayed. The costumes are still from 5 years earlier, not counting Ralphie's 1980s giant eyeglasses, which didn't yet exist in the years this story is supposedly set in. This one was cranked out by commercial crapsters incapable of escaping a temporal tunnel vision that has no business attempting to recapture any era that has gone by before their own time. The acting is mostly godawful. Seems like the only times it improves a bit are scenes where it appears that they finally got a bit tired of yelling their lines. The meanness of some of the acting or characters in the original was purposeful--it showed a child's perception of them, not actual cruelty. In this one, it's all just crude and stupid. The only reason to see version 2 is as a kind of cultural monitor, to compare and contrast, hopefully to learn the differences between great art and a total failure to grasp what art is.
jscrafty This movie was awful. Over acting, horrible script, and it did a great dis-service to the original movie. The only worse than this was the Star Wars Holiday Special.I recommend NEVER watching this. If you own a copy, burn it. With any hope it will only have mention of it on IMDb.com and people will wonder if it was any good. I hope that the actors can successfully ignore the fact that they were in this film. It must have been directed at 7 year old kids. Funny thing is that you can make a movie for kids and not have it suck so bad that parents burn it. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. Your life will be better having never seen it.