R | 26 February 2011 (USA)
51 Trailers

Due to political pressure from the American public, the Air Force has decided to allow two well-known reporters limited access to the most secretive base on the planet. But when one of the base’s “long-term visitors” exploits this unprecedented visit as a chance to liberate himself and his fellow alien captives, Area 51 turns from a secure government base to a horrifying destination of terror.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Claudio Carvalho In Area 51, the tough Colonel Ronald Martin (Bruce Boxleitner) decides to open the facility to the reporters Claire Felon (Vanessa Branch) and Sam Whitaker (John Shea) and their crew to satisfy the public opinion. Col. Martin denies the existence of aliens and invites the journalists to visit the two floors in the underground facility. Meanwhile, in the top secret four floors below, one shape shifter alien called Patient Zero (Jed Maheu) capable to replicate any humanoid form escape and releases the dangerous aliens Little Devil and Lady Death (Ivan Djurovic). While Col. Martin and his soldiers hunt them down, Sergeant Hanna (Rachel Miner) and her team protect the exit and are the last barrier to avoid the aliens from escaping. "Area 51" is a lame B-movie and a terrible means of wasting time. The stupid story is awful and ridiculous. There are good names in the cast, highlighting Bruce Boxleitner and John Shea, but the acting in general is shameful. John Shea from "Missing" keeps the same expression along the whole film. Anyway, the screenplay and the dialogues are poor and the cast does not have a good chance to work. My vote is three.Title (Brazil): "Área 51" ("Area 51")
ebiros2 Government is finally ready to admit the existence of Area 51. Co. Martin (Bruce Boxleitner) is receptionist for the news crew. The premise is that this is a straight military installation with no connection to the UFO or aliens. Wrong. Just as the news crew is being invited into the low security area of the base, two deadly aliens escapes from their cage. Now it's fight for survival for the news crew, and the members of the base that includes friendly alien called J- Rod.Not a masterpiece by any means. Not even a B movie, but if the movie is really made with a budget of 1M, it's very well made. The scenes are pretty realistic, and you get a sense that you are in a military installation.Bruce Boxlaitner was a right pick for the lead role. He was able to carry the story. If it wasn't for him, the movie would have been a total flop.The movie could have been better, but I hope the producers will get another chance with bigger budget next time.
trashgang I follow the After Dark series and I know that many people do complain about the entries. Some are good but most of them aren't. This is the most hated one in the new issue of After Dark and I must agree. From second one you know what you will get, SyFy, yes, not known for quality. Although that I must admit that the effects this time were rather good. But the flick fails completely in script. After the SyFy logo we see a journalist standing before the fences of Area 51. They really looked stupid but not only that, she's standing before a green key. If you watch closely you can see that even the key being made to cut out the green wasn't perfect at all. I have my picture before the gates of Area 51 and it isn't what is shown here. Nevertheless, back to the movie. It's okay to tell a story about Area 51 but when it becomes really ridiculous then you know that you are in deep sh*t. Come on, an alien talking English? And just look what they did with the story, first it's an attack by a baby alien, of course that you could see coming. The mother itself do looks like the aliens from Xtro. On the other hand they even ripped-off Alien. There's a shot were a soldier is facing the head of the alien, it's like the one of Ripley facing the alien, just the same, dripping teeth included. The acting couldn't convince me too, it was all a bit to cliché. John Shea was just standing there and almost didn't do anything except at the end. Bruce Boxleitner (remember Tron)wasn't convincing too.They even tried to make the flick believable by adding the so-called room were the Roswell alien was dissected. But the talking alien entered that room and it ruined it all. It just bored me a lot, why does this is included in the After Dark series is an enigma for me. If there wasn't a bit of gory shots I would recommend it to my 10 year old child. Let Area 51 just be Area 51.Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5
Drago_Head_Tilt Journalists are permitted to look around the military base in the notorious Area 51, just to prove that there are no aliens there. But in the lower levels there are indeed extraterrestrial lifeforms that escape and kill. One is a faceless humanoid who can replicate anyone (leading to boring who-is-the-alien situations stolen from THE THING), the other a tentacled man-in-a-suit monster (not a bad retro creation, a cross between ALIEN and EVIL SPAWN/WASP WOMAN). Another nice, wise alien is called J. Rod. A very boring Syfy release from the Director of THE DEVIL'S TOMB. With Bruce Boxleitner as a Colonel, Jason "what happened to may career?" London and Rachel Miner as heroic grunts, John Shea as a famous news anchor and Andrew Sensenig. Mukerjee was also Co-Producer.Movie reviews @ spinegrinderweb.com
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