NR | 27 April 2007 (USA)
Seed Trailers

After surviving the electric chair, convicted serial killer Max Seed is buried alive. He digs himself out of the grave and goes on a killing spree. Taking revenge on the men who put him there and random unfortunates alike.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Paul Magne Haakonsen First of all, it should be said that the low rating on IMDb should be a straight up warning that you should take heed of before you sit down to watch "Seed".Personally, I have nothing against Uwe Boll or his skills as a director, but this movie was just downright bad. The storyline was as simple as it comes, and as generic as they come. A killer sentenced to death is set to be executed in the electric chair. When this fails to take the life of the serial killer, the prison warden decides to bury the man alive. However, the deranged serial killer digs himself free and seeks vengeance by killing those responsible for his execution.Well, the story was almost non-existing, and what was there was just ridiculously bad to the point of it being ridiculous. And the characters in the movie were equally devoid of anything interesting. Michael Paré played a very indifferent Detective Matt Bishop, Will Sanderson played the serial killer with no particular memorable trademark Max Seed, and Ralf Moeller played Warden Arnold Calgrove whom seemed to possess no logical sense whatsoever.The only thing even remotely worthwhile sticking around to watch in "Seed" is the amount of violence, blood and mayhem. However, don't get your hopes up, because it is nowhere near enough to salvage this movie. And also take into consideration that some of the gore and special effects were awful to look at, as it was particularly fake and so obviously CGI animated - badly animated, at that.And there were some interesting, albeit kind of disturbing, scenes of various deaths and decomposition being shown, which was graphic. And it might actually be a bit too graphic for some viewers. And the same goes for the scenes with the torture of dogs.All in all, "Seed" is not a movie that is really worth the time, money or effort. And if you like horror movies, then there are far, far better choices available for a fulfilling entertaining experience.
Leofwine_draca So, Uwe Boll does a serial killer flick, albeit one with a supernatural slant. A hulking masked killer is sent to the electric chair only to come back from the dead, seeking revenge. This is by far the worst Boll film I've seen, worse even than BLOODRAYNE and ALONE IN THE DARK, because it manages to be completely offensive as well as execrable.The film begins with needless scenes of real-life animal torture provided by PETA. They're there to shock, and that's it. Then we watch various things die, including a baby in the most distressing scene. More junk designed to shock and desensitise the viewer. Finally the film becomes a predictable, shot-in-the-dark slasher flick, with a random killer murdering endless cops and innocent victims.Later on, there's a stand-out scene of Seed beating in a woman's head in a kitchen which lasts for around five minutes. That's it - just mindless sadism, unnecessary and completely stupid. SEED is as bad as it can be, with rubbish performances, really bad production values, zero story, and awful direction. Michael Pare might be the king of B-movies but he needs to see sense and stop appearing in movies like this one.
sbrazie If there is one thing I cannot take, it is anyone who gives an opinion, review, etc. of something that involves "insulting" those of a different opinion. Take Author: zarakian_58 from United Kingdom's Review: "badly directed garbage. a mediocre nihilist sadistic gorefest ... if you are the sort of person who likes that ... see a shrink". So, I LOVED this movie, hence perhaps I should skip the shrink and move into the asylum. Stay off the review pages unless you can review objectively AND subjectively without insulting those of a different ilk.Back to the movie. While this is a horror movie, without a doubt, it is also a crime thriller involving the search for the serial killer, "Seed", the search led by the detective Matt Bishop played by the under-rated Michael Pare'. He is caught early in the movie, but after surviving two attempts in the electric chair, he is buried alive to avoid a third attempt that if survived would give him his freedom. He escapes the grave, begins a new killing rampage, exacts revenge on the prison employees who oversaw his "death" and burial, and the investigation for the "copycat killer" begins.This film is brutal, but Seed himself is no worse than a Jeffrey Dahmer, who ate his victims. Seed tortures and kills his victims over and over. These scenes are some of the goriest and most shocking I have ever seen.This is everything a horror film should be: Horrifying, shocking, scary, terrible antagonist, sympathetic protagonist, and with great special effects thrown in. Solid acting and plot for a low budget effort (Don't forget-classics like Halloween and Night of the Living Dead were also extremely low budget). Eight Stars-One of the best torture horror films I have seen in a while.Back to Michael Pare': I have always thought that Michael Pare' has never gotten the respect he deserved. Watch "Eddie and the Cruisers", "The Philadelphia Experiment" or even "Streets of Fire" (Not a good film, but great performances by a young Willem Dafoe and Diane Lane). While earlier in his career, he shows emotion, drama ability, can handle action scenes, and just has overall screen presence. Somehow he has gotten stuck in smaller supporting roles and in B movies. Another example of his B movie prowess, Pare is excellent as the detective hunting for the serial killer in this film.One last note: I recommend skipping the first few minutes of this film which show real footage of animal torture taken from PETA. While this footage helps the Director, Boll, to get his point on "human nature" across along with the rest of the film, I find it unbearable to watch.
johnslegers After having seen and loved Postal (yes, I actually loved Postal), I decided to try another Uwe Boll film and I picked out Seed because I happened to stumble on it in a local DVD-store and it's supposed to be one of his better films.While the first 10 to 15 minutes of the film were very promising and seemed like the beginning of a not too mainstream psychological thriller, it soon went downhill from there and eventually degraded into one of the most generic slasher films I've seen so far, including a massive amount of plot holes, unrealistic emotional responses and sub-par acting. It seems like Boll tried his best to come up with a decent plot but after a while just gave up on it. Maybe he should stick to comedy?! The few good things about this film is that he does manage to create an overall creepy atmosphere, that the special effects are better than I expected and the soundtrack does go well with the overall atmosphere, but the unbalanced pacing of this film combined with the utter generic nature thereof makes he last half hour quite tedious to watch, which ruined my experience altogether. There are a very fairly well done shocking scenes, but they seem to be there for the shock value alone. And let's not forget the camera work that was pretty nauseating at times.I hope Uwe Boll will one day learn what makes a good film, because between a lot of horrible films he does seem to make a decent film every now and then. Seed just isn't one of those.