45 Years
45 Years
R | 23 December 2015 (USA)
45 Years Trailers

There is just one week until Kate Mercer's 45th wedding anniversary and the planning for the party is going well. But then a letter arrives for her husband. The body of his first love has been discovered, frozen and preserved in the icy glaciers of the Swiss Alps. By the time the party is upon them, five days later, there may not be a marriage left to celebrate.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Steineded How sad is this?
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
waynelwarren Much has been said about the artistry and good acting involved in this film, and it's true.It's the story that's missing. There's about 30 minutes of storytelling in this 95 minute film. I kept watching because I assumed that there would be something at the end that might explain the earlier portions. Sadly, that didn't happen.There is a great deal of imagery that would be quite pleasant to look at on your computer while it's not being used. However, watching it as a feature-length movie is not recommended.
MNKim1967 "45 Years", while beautifully acted, is a morose tale about a woman, who, after 45 years of being married to the same man, slowly realizes that her husband's life didn't just start when he met her - that he'd had a life that was completely different from their tan, bland existence, and, if not for a tragic accident, would have continued with. The movie trains an eye on what happens when the wife's self-important bubble is burst, and how, thereby, she learns more about her husband in a week than she did over 45 years of marriage.
etheredgerobert If I could give it a 0 I would. An hour and a half of absolutely nothing. Nothing ever happens. Maybe the acting is good, but so what. The people that rate this highly must be on drugs. If this was cut down to a 30 minute TV show, including 5 minutes of ads, it might be bearable, but it would sill be dull.
verna-a There is artistry in this film, good cinematography and some fine acting. I was well motivated to watch as Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay were iconic figures of my youth in the 60s. And yet when it finished I just wanted to top myself - if that's how you end up as you age, somewhere between just enduring and pretty miserable, let's end it now! There was nothing unrealistic about the scenario and the depiction of the characters, I just didn't want to spend time in their world. They are so selfish and humourless, it's just depressing. Better to have some kids and get a life than end up like these two. Why did I watch til the end? I was convinced that something was going to happen and couldn't believe it when the end credits appeared. There is in fact no story to this film, merely a scenario. It's finely depicted but I have never seen a film built on so little.