30 Days of Night: Dark Days
30 Days of Night: Dark Days
R | 05 October 2010 (USA)
30 Days of Night: Dark Days Trailers

After surviving the incidents in Barrow, Alaska, Stella Olemaun relocates to Los Angeles, where she intentionally attracts the attention of the local vampire population in order to avenge the death of her husband, Eben.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
smashthecontrolmachine I suppose one could do worse than make a sequel to 30 Days of Night. Heroic female as the lead here and a female head vampire...girl power is the theme running through this film as far as the leads go. It's not even in the same realm as 30 Days Of Night the original so no comparison there. I gave it a 5 for a courageous effort and at least it made an attempt though it failed in most cases undeniably. The actors, outside of Sanchez and Coiro, were stale cardboard cutouts at best. The film takes too long to get going and once it finally does it seemingly goes nowhere fast. There's a few dim highlights laced throughout but nothing remotely like the original. Okay for a rent if you're not expecting too much.
Nitzan Havoc Well, I guess it's my fault after all. I half expected that Dark Days would be at least half as good as the original, and guess what - it isn't. Not by a long shot, not even close. Where do I begin?Out of mere convenience, let's start with the screenplay/story. The sole survivor of the tragedy of the first film had moved out, and started giving lectures about what happened, amusing skeptics and conspiracy fans alike. When she crosses the line and kills some vampires, this new version of Blade Trinity's "night stalkers" finds her. They are presented as a well organized and capable group of vampire slayers, only to turn out to be amateurs and simply stupid. The humans serving the vampires in hopes of joining them are this time referred to as "bug eaters" rather than "familiars", and the entire charade seems like someone has been watching a little too much blade. Very much like Matrix Reloaded, this sequel tried to "zoom out" story-wise, and has done a very poor job. I can't go into details of the dumb things the group does without being tempted to give out spoilers, let's just say they have good weapons they for some reason don't use, take no time to plan, and rely on suicidal instincts after having allegedly done this "vampire slaying" thing for over 2 years. And of course - how could this be a bad film without an unnecessary sex scene?Now let's move over to the vampires. I was so impressed by how they looked, sounded and behaved in the first film. In this one the overused old stereotype was used again and the vampires look almost completely human, not to mention the beautiful sexy matriarch, nothing resembling the creepy hideous monsters in the first film.That's all I have to say. Frustrated, disappointed and yet trying to remain impartial and objective - I rate this film 4. You may disagree. Watch it if you will, but expect the worst. That's the only way you'll enjoy it.
KineticSeoul This is a decent straight to DVD sequel and actually quite watchable. Sure there is obvious plot-holes and things just don't connect well with the first "30 Days of Night". But for a straight to DVD sequel it's actually a entertaining popcorn flick, sure it's dumb in some areas but it's watchable. After the incident from the first movie the female protagonist Stella played by a different actress is trying to prove that vampire exists to the world. But the the vampires does thing to make it like she is crazy and it's just a hoax. And in this time instead of running and hiding, well there is running and hiding. Stella joins a group of vampire hunters that had similar experiences and have lost loved ones and tries to go on hunts. And there main target is the queen of the vampires. There is quite a bit of vampire fighting action in this movie and the production value is alright for a straight to DVD movie. It's a dumb vampire hunting movie but it doesn't get to the point where it got really annoying because of it. And was somewhat entertaining.6/10
Woodyanders Hard-bitten survivor Stella (well played with steely conviction by the attractive Kiele Sanchez, who does a commendable job filling in for Melissa George) wants to avenge the death of her husband Eben at the hands of a ferocious group of vampires. Stella goes to Los Angeles and joins forces with a handful of fellow vengeful true believers to take out lovely, yet lethal queen vampire Lilith (an effectively chilling portrayal by the striking Mia Kirshner) and her clan of savage bloodsuckers. Director Ben Ketai, who also co-wrote the gritty and absorbing script with Steve Niles, relates the engrossing story at a steady pace, maintains a grimly serious tone throughout, develops a good deal of tension, and delivers a generous amount of in-your-face graphic splatter (a head getting crushed with a cinder block rates as the definite grisly highlight). The sound acting from a capable cast rates as another major asset: Rhys Coiro as the brave, rugged Paul, Doira Baird as the cowardly, excitable Amber, Harold Perrineau as the tough, no-nonsense Todd, Troy Ruptash as coughing, sickly, dying lackey Agent Norris, Ben Cotton as noble half-human, half-vampire Dane, and Katherine Isabelle as hapless victim Stacey. Like the potently brutal original, this film primarily works because of its admirably harsh no-fooling attitude: The vampires are truly vicious and hideous, there's no silly obtrusive humor to detract from the jolting severity of the no-holds-barred horror, the pervasively gloomy mood never lets up for a minute, and the last third set on a vampire-infested freighter bound for Alaska is positively harrowing. Eric Maddison's shadowy cinematography provides an appropriately dark'n'dank dismal look while Andres Boulton's shivery score hits the shuddery spot. A solid and satisfying sequel.