...And God Created Woman
...And God Created Woman
PG | 21 October 1957 (USA)
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Juliette Hardy is sexual dynamite, and has the men of a French coastal town panting. But Antoine, the only man who affects her likewise, wouldn't dream of settling down with a woman his friends consider the town tramp.

PodBill Just what I expected
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
JohnHowardReid The much-touted BB is on display here for all to see and admire. But frankly, she looks more provocative in the stills and posters outside the cinema than she does in the movie itself. It's an uninspired little quadrangle tale in which a boring lot of unsympathetic characters posture pathetically against authentic St Tropez backgrounds. In the course of over ninety minutes, nothing much of interest happens. It's one of these stories in which a lot of detailed groundwork is constantly being laid to give the audience the impression that something dramatically involving is just about to happen — but it never does. The businessman's efforts to acquire waterfront land suddenly bear fruit halfway through by a simple stratagem (and why is the anchorage allegedly worth millions anyway?) and how come the Morins who are painted as villainous "step-parents" at the beginning and from whom we expect some dazzling opposition to BB's plans, supportively change color without any explanation? Even the long-awaited climax in which one of the leading characters gets shot proves an absolute fizzer.
Kirpianuscus one of films who seems have a single actor. because Roger Vadim use the eroticism of young Bardot for a touching story about youth, choices and love in real inspired manner. but that option has the importance for build a large mirror of a period. the borders of an age who seems more present in our society than in "50's and that could be the key of its success today. the grace to explore the desires of a young woman looking for a strange, obscure form of happiness. Trintignan in a of role who reminds the noble characters by Dostoievsky and the Romantic idealist . Curt Junger as the lover who use his power for define his age , cruel analyzer of the others. a film who seduces. and a film who gives precise definition for an obscure state of soul.
amb0613 I would have done the same, as a woman, and I did. And now I see I have to add lines to total 10. Well, Curt Jurgens comes to mind. He is magnificent. I don't remember even Brigitte in that film, Curt was such a marvelous actor. Have I completed my 10 lines, IMDb? NO? Brigitee B. became an animal activist after her au Francaise looks faded. I will give her that - at least she found animals were worth saving. Still no 10 lines, IMDb? Brigitte was quite lovely but I'm not sure she ever had the capacity to act. Just to photograph well. Still not enough, IMDb? Now I ramble. But that movie with Brigitte was classic and some of the men in it were sensational. As for Brigitte? Well she did the best she could with what she had to work with. BOYD
wvisser-leusden 'Et Dieu ... crea la femme' (= French for 'And God created woman') is the film that catapulted Brigitte Bardot to world fame.Originally issued in France, 'Dieu' didn't do much. Thereafter it was sold to the USA, where - to everyone's surprise - it hit like an atomic bomb. Attracting packed houses all over the place, getting businessmen to marvel at BB's most seductive performance ever.Now, more than fifty years later, 'Et Dieu ... crea la femme' may be qualified as a mediocre but entertaining French fifties-film. With nice coloring and a consistent story.Its immortality, however, is guaranteed by Brigitte Bardot as the orphan-girl Juliette. Her message is simple: Paradise is just around the corner. Transferred to you in a truly devastating way, never equaled before or since.
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