NR | 04 February 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
    puppen There are so many clichés in this series that its main value might be as a drinking game: hooker with a heart of gold (have a drink), professional conduct hearing as a means to derail the investigation (have another drink), bickering detectives who are actually hot for each other (drink), person killed because he/she is wearing another person's clothing (drink), staged press conference to bring out the killer (drink), vital information leaked to the press due to pillow talk (drink), etc. I am not mentioning the clichés that give away major plot points (and there are many more), but you get the idea. It really is as if the writers intentionally tried in insert as many overused police procedural tropes as they could into one script.The problem is that the acting is uniformly excellent. I cannot single out one performance because from the leads to the smallest part, the acting is top notch. It really is a shame that the actors did not have a better script with which to work.
    qui_j This is a TV series that goes all over the place with its story line. There are so many subplots that are loosely held together that its difficult to know what the main focus of the series was all about. Everyone has a secret, everyone is a suspect is something or another, and at the end, everyone lives happily ever after. The scenes jump around due to poor editing, and sometimes appear in a random order. In the last episode it was as if there was a lot of pressure to wrap things up quickly, so problems were quickly solved, and an all too predictable end finally reached. The acting comes across as very "tongue-in-cheek", almost as if the actors really didn't believe the words they were saying. This may just have been due to a poor script, or their desire to get to the end of the story and move on to something else. There are some really good Australian productions. This is just not one of them!
    canuckteach Contrary to other opinions here at IMDb, we found Winter to be a superb production, well-acted and well-written. British mysteries sometimes are heavily-weighed for character-development, leaving nifty plot developments as a secondary consideration. We haven't quite finished the series, but we are pleased that some mysteries are slowly coming to light, and others will be revealed in the final episode.There's a nice bit of coincidence in the plot, a tool that can be used or overused. In this case, it ties some loose plot-ends together nicely and shows that the hunch of one key detective was off-base, a rare outcome in a mystery story. Rebecca Gibney is excellent as the lead detective 'Winter', very reminiscent in looks and style of Amanda Burton, from the British 'Commander' series (maybe a little prettier, and not so tragically-flawed).WE caught this on Acorn TV - but we would part with the price of a DVD set to see it again.
    Ben Dover *sigh* Well I was hoping to cove something else in my first review but I suppose this will have to do.I think it's biggest problem is quite simply the fact that it's no different than EVERY OTHER POLICE DRAMA EVER! Well apart from the Australian accents (although it does remind me a little of City Homicide back from 2011 and seems to suffer from dullness, anyway I digress).Almost all of the scenes contain the protagonist played by Rebecca Gibney and a lot of the series would rest on her acting ability. Well... it's not bad, but she's trying so hard to be the tough independent female that her character seems to be a little bit of a mary sue just because she's so one-note. Probably more of the writing and directing at fault to be honest and it's causing the lead role to perform in an almost satire of her character. Maybe her character will be more flushed out in the future but this should have happened in it's predecessor The Killing Fields.I'm not sure why Channel 7 is trying so hard for this show to succeed putting it in a prime time slot but it saddens me that something with a little more spice could have been put there. I'd probably would have criticised it a lot more if there was anything to criticise. TL;DR It's bland, so bland it's hard to call bad. Even bad can be entertaining.