| 08 June 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    HottWwjdIam There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.
    Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
    anbutle1 I LOVED Windfall! I disagree with the other poster. I don't remember that much from the pilot, but it wasn't completely horrible. However, the show got SO interesting throughout the rest of the season! I wanted to see how everything would turn out! Also, Luke Perry was NOT the only star in that show! There was Malinda Williams, Jason Gedrick and Tembi Locke. I found it interesting how the writers connected each character to each other in some way throughout the show. What happened with Damien and Frankie? What about Cameron and Nina? How could they leave us hanging?This show was great! I'm mad that they cancelled it!
    mdpomroy Remember Luke Perry? Oh come on, course you do. He was in teen drama Beverly Hills 90210 playing a high school kid even thought it was patently obvious that the man was so far into his 30s he was old enough to be some of the students' father. There you go, you can picture him now, well he's back.In fact he's the main draw in this drama that follows 20 lottery winners after they all become notably rich. With US$20million each they head off spending but for each of the characters the win comes with unexpected problems from marital and ethical to legal and criminal. While indulging in the fantasy of instant wealth (there are lots of shopping scenes) it also fulfils the human desire to see rich people have problems too. Lightweight and easygoing it's more soap than heavy primetime material but a nice distraction nevertheless. For Luke Perry, being given another shot at the prime time must have actually been like winning the lottery. But Windfall was cancelled in the first season, although there are 13 episodes to watch which is more than many are permitted these days. Many in America didn't get the chance to see how it all ended as some NBC affiliates screened pre-season football instead of the final episode. Well worth a look but if all this talk of Luke Perry has done is awaken a buzz of 1990s nostalgia then please note that the Beverly Hills 90210 DVD set was released to buy last November. You're excited now aren't you?
    BreanneB This t.v. show is excellent! Especially since Jon Foster is in it. He gives the best acting performance of all the actors on this show. I give him a 10 out of 10 golden star rating.Everyone on this show has learned that being a multimillionaire is not all it's cracked up to be. The feeling is great but the price of other people wanting to take advantage is the cruel reality that comes with it. I wonder what will happen next week when they talk more about the murder.I give this show 10/10 golden stars! The acting is great, as well as the costumes, production, script, plot, storyline, photography, and directing.
    bradybrannonrich Unfortunately, I recently caught the first episode of this new show on United Airlines. Bottomline, it was absolutely awful, completely ridiculous, the acting was terrible, it did not flow well, and Luke Perry (The only star) is in the pilot episode for a mili-second. I felt like they used his face to sell this new, horrible, second rate show. Overall, it was a very disconnected, poorly written train wreck that you shouldn't waste your time on. NOTE: If you are going to fly on United Airlines in the near future and you have nothing else to do, you could watch Windfall, but you will hate yourself afterwords. I've warned you...