Lucky 7
Lucky 7
TV-PG | 24 September 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    jasctweddle-823-352043 I'm not a paid shill nor am I on drugs but I thought this was exceptional TV viewing. Neither have I seen the Syndicate, so am not able to compare it as a copied version of something else (although it made me think of the UK series "At Home with the Braithwaites" - which was fantastic.) Winning the lottery (or not)is a reality of our lives so this show is relatable to many. It has some humour and lots of heart. The characters were all middle to lower income folk with different situations (ex-con, single mom, childless couple, parents living with parents, happily married Latino, Asian student with a pre-arranged marriage looming) so they show a different perspective about their lives than some viewers may be exposed to first hand, and made them interesting. It also made you want them to win. The robbery in the first episode sets up the suspense value which seems critical to the success of many TV shows these days. The connection between the employees shows individual character flaws and strengths. You care about these people. They seem real even though you know they aren't. The acting here was very well done. What a shame this show didn't last. We didn't contribute to the ratings as we didn't even know it was coming. We found it by accident On Demand and were pleasantly surprised. We'll watch the second episode for sure but wish there were more to come.
    Hideki-M This story is about people who bought lottery tickets as a team and won over 100 millions. We can see the process after winning lottery, learn the detail of rule of ' lottery pool', and of course, realize how their environments change. We can really enjoy it.they're working at same store but there is another worker who didn't take part in the 'lottery pool', so what would he do with the fact. And the night they knew they won it, the brothers in the team inflicted serious injury on the other member guy while they were faking store robbery. If it's revealed, what would happen?But, I was shocked to hear that the series was canceled due to record low ratings. Maybe the reason is because the characters are less attractive and difficult to empathize with. I wish they were a bit more attractive...
    Dr_Sagan Haven't see the original series called The Syndicate (BBC) but the whole premise looks familiar.Anyway, it's about a group, of people of the lower working class, who won 145 millions in Lottery. For everyone there is a twist though that prevent them from being happy with the money they just won. Personal problems, A LOT of bad decisions make them miserable.This a TV-show that may (or may not) have the message that Money isn't everything in life. But to tell you the truth with 25 millions each they could turn their life in a careless direction and never look back. The whole drama seems unnecessary and with that kind of money they could easily change their life, and if not anything else, move as far as they can.The production is OK. Performances are OK too. The pilot sets the mood and the subplots for the episodes to come. It tries to pass some messages about the human nature and our society, but seem kind of pretentious.Overall: Give it a chance
    hifihifi68 This was without doubt the worst TV pilot I have ever seen and I turned it off after 1/2 an hour which is 25 minutes longer than I should have watched it but I kept thinking it has to get better. This show has nothing that would appeal to anyone unless they were on drugs: unattractive cast, lousy acting, lousy directing, cliché story-line. Whoever green lighted this should be blacklisted from the entertainment industry and investigated. I still am in shock that someone would green-light a TV Series and Pilot this bad.As an aside to show you how ridiculous IMDb is and how IMDb ratings are phony and useless, a bunch of paid shills must have voted this a 7.5