The Millionaire
The Millionaire
| 19 January 1955 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
    Thehibikiew Not even bad in a good way
    Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
    Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
    LadyCapulet-1 I watched this show during its original run and somewhere in one episode they played the song "Someome Tp Watch Over Me". It instantly became my all time favorite song. I have been thinking about this episode for long time and am wondering if anyone knows which one it was. The only thing I can remember about the story was that the recipient of the check was a blonde girl who had been a singer and was confined to a wheelchair. Can anyone help me with this?
    clrkbvrly This show let you dream about what you would do if someone gave you a million dollars tax free. I wish they would show all the episodes on ME TV or TV land. The actor Marvin Miller had this fantastic voice and the kind of low-key character that made it believable that someone could possibly be generous enough to give this gift. I often wondered if a person was financially able to do this what really drives them to do so. And to do it anonymously without praise is interesting and surprisingly poignant. I wondered if this billionaire many times over had a family to share his wealth with. I thought maybe he was bored or that he had no one to leave it to so he chose deserving ones, not so deserving ones and persons who would do good things with it as in the case a preacher who received the money. In any case I enjoyed this series tremendously.
    valerielynne-800-283647 People don't realize there are legitimate DVD's for the TV millionaire. I need your help: I want to know the ending to the episode the Millionaire episode William Courtney. I have the first part of the program, but I cannot get the complete show. Near the end of the program--William is being a non gentlemen and she might marry her boyfriend or William. Please contact me with the answer. William Courtney seems to be a stinker. Did he finish the castle? Interesting her fiancé is Mr. Ney who was once wed to Greer Garson. Thank you for your help. Answer to your questions: First, Richard Jackael was taking explosives to location, his wife is the millionaire and reaches him when he reaches the location. He almost got blown up. Great episode.Answer to another episode: the child that gets the millions, it is a son; not a daughter. Dad was Peter Marshall, Hollywood Squares host, brother of Joanna Dru, actress. He is going to the bank the next day with son to straighten his check book. Third answer to question, is man dies in cab while trying to change his will, he had already received millions not from Mike Anthony, but the banker. He changes his will since it stipulates his niece and her husband has to spend the 200 dollars for their honeymoon, but now that he has a million, they'd have to spend a million dollars on their honeymoon! A wicked relative and her husband won't split the money, they are greedy. This wicked couple states his niece and her husband has to spend the money or else. Interesting fact, one of the lawyers is western actor Tom Keene under his other actor's name. The good niece is Barbara Bates. They two couples are in court and it has a great ending. The niece's husband takes over as a attorney--and defines honeymoon--and the judge gives the money to the good niece Barbara Bates.The pilot millionaire episode is awful. Before a man and wife marries, they must be happy within themselves--and whatever may come as tragedy, they have to be ready to reevaluate their lives. In this case, the woman who is engaged decides to give up the money, since her fiancé will not marry a rich woman...sad The man has to change and be happy with himself. The money can be used to help people and they can have a quiet, healthy life-- He should be happy for his wife--not jealous of her. This man has to find a way to handle the ego problem, but not by her giving the millions. I hope someone has an answer for me on the William Courtney Millionaire, I really want to know the ending. Thank you very much.
    jcdavocat John Beresford Tipton: his name evokes patrician wealth and breed. Using his executive secretary, Michael Anthony, Tipton chooses, apparently but not certainly, one person each week at random to receive, tax-free, the sum of one million dollars, in the form of a cashiers check. One million dollars was an enormous sum in the 1950s. And, if one remembers that the top tax bracket (which includes this amount) was 91% at that time, the gift becomes even more phenomenal.Each recipient was required to sign an agreement never to reveal either the circumstances under which the money was received and the amount, other than to the spouse. (In one episode, a child received the money and a somewhat non-plussed Anthony told the child that he can reveal these details to his parents). The idea of each half-hour show was to see just how receiving the money would affect each recipient. At the end of the show, Tipton would briefly reviews what happened.An excellent show, far and above the lunacy that pervades television today.