Wanted: Dead or Alive
Wanted: Dead or Alive
TV-G | 06 September 1958 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
    grizzledgeezer What makes W:DA such a good series is that it's basically a solid drama, and avoids falling into the trap of "format becomes formula". It tells all sorts of stories, perhaps the strangest of which is "Littlest Client", in which an orphan asks Josh to look for her father. The father is involved in an intense erotic friendship with another man (which might or might not be sexual, but nothing is said, or even hinted). At the end, she walks away with two daddies.By the way, in "The Blob", the film that won McQueen his role on W:DA, there's an actor in a minor role named... Josh Randall!
    alexanderdavies-99382 "Wanted Dead or Alive" was the show that introduced Steve McQueen. This is a show with episodes that lasted 25 minutes each. The plots are streamlined, due to the running time. There isn't much location shooting but that's OK as the stories are very solid usually. The writing is pretty good. There are many respected character actors to be seen. Steve McQueen is a bounty hunter and each episode shows him on the trail of dangerous bandits and outlaws. He carries a sawn off shotgun as his main weapon. Plenty to enjoy here.
    John T. Ryan THE PROFESSION OF Bounty Hunter, which persists today in one form or another, was not one of honor or general acceptance. Sometimes referred to as "Bounty Killer", as in those "Spaghetti Westerns" of the 1960s, the line of work called for those who were neither weak of constitution nor overly genteel in relations with others.THE CASTING OF Mr. Steve McQueen as Josh Randall put all of the actor's abilities on full display before the whole world. His cool, underplaying of the character did much in making this just more than another Horse Opera. It was intelligent writing, careful attention to a complex story line combined with the ability of the Star that served up something other than a plain old 2 dimensional cardboard cutout look at the work of a societal bottom feeder.BEING THE OLD, Wild West of the 1870s, it was a position that was needed. Horrible conditions often times produce solutions that are less than civilized; as a live by the sword mentality is a necessity of life. Being far removed from the Big City life of the "Stupidgencia" as practiced in Academic circles, this is reality; though not necessarily how the "Experts" feel it should be.*IN REFLECTING ON the various rerun episodes that are shown on Cable Stations such as Chicago's MEE TV, one gets a pretty microscope-like look at Steve's abilities. Even at this relatively early stage, we can view the man as Artist. And Artist is the proper term to use for the guy who brought us such great performances in: THE Magnificent SEVEN, THE CINCINNATI KID, THE SAND PEBBLES, THE REIVERS, JUNIOR BONNER, BULLITT,SOLDIER IN THE RAIN, PAPILLION, THE GETAWAY, etc., etc., etc..IT IS TRULY a shame that he left us a such a relatively young age.
    hondo551 I'm just old enough to remember when Wanted Dead or Alive was first run, when I first went to the show to see The Magnificent Seven, and when I first realized Steve McQueen was on his way to being a "star".I received the boxed set of the first season of this groundbreaking show this past Christmas and have been having great fun with it ever since. McQueen is the real star of the show, honing his craft for later career moves, with the truly offbeat story lines and resolutions coming in a close second.Forget that it's 1877, he was in the Union Army in 1864, which would make him 8-10 years older than his real age at the time. Forget that his sawed off Winchester 1892 didn't exist in this time frame, that it fired short pistol ammunition like .44-40 and possibly .45 Colt, that it couldn't possibly accept the long .30-30 cartridges on his belt that weren't developed until the Winchester 1894 came along. In the first episode he has to bury a murdered doctor and he pulls a U.S. military shovel circa 1944 from under his saddle. While he puts 19th century cuffs on some prisoners, ties some with rope, on one occasion he puts old fashioned leg irons on a prisoner's hands, way too dangerous and way too stupid for a pro like Josh Randall. In a feat too fantastic to believe, an outlaw takes away his sawed off Winchester and removes the firing pin without the aid of tools and without so much as removing the bolt from the receiver. Of course there's also that sawed off rifle of his that sometimes has a D-ring on the lever and sometimes a teardrop ring, a gun barrel that changes from round to hexagon, and a gun barrel that always has a bigger bore than the .30 caliber slug in a .30-30 shell. And let's not forget that the outdoor scenes seldom match the geography of the story lines and that more times than not they use the same western street sound stage for towns ranging from Wyoming to Arizona to Texas with just the store front names changing! All this in just the first half of the first season. LOL The show is all about watching McQueen, watching the offbeat stories that sometimes beg for more time for storytelling, and watching for all the goofs. It's great fun and well worth the time even 50 years later!