TV-MA | 05 April 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    BlobbyLight I am embarrassed by the amount of positive comments about this show. Are we, Americans, really so stupid as to believe any of this crap they're feeding us?! Fortunately, I have been to many of the places myself and experienced firsthand the real stories. And it ain't what they're "reporting" back to us.Vice is absolutely one of the worst "news" sources out there folks.Vice is nothing more than a finger pointing fabricated hipster tabloid. Stretching the facts (understatement) as they see fit in their condescending dumbed down desensitizing mock-shock-for-ratings style of "journalism". Please. Don't be so ignorant as to believe any of it.
    k_28 This is rare gem of true journalism. What we see mostly on daily news is not news but propaganda of either govt or corporatist where every story has views of so called experts who has vested interests in giving the opinion they do. Some will accuse this series of being biased against big govt or big corporates but funnily they don't think anything biased in big corporate sponsored news shows as paid opinions. The journalism by definition involves showing two sides of story with neutral eye , but most news channels shows only one side of story, the story which they want us to see. This program speaks for those who cant speak themselves; the common people, oppressed ordinary folks who are victims and whose stories no one is interested in. As for big corporates and govt they always have a media to rest their case but for a change it is nice to have a show which shows other side of coin. You don't have to agree with it , you can still oppose it but how can you truly make your mind unless you see both sides of the story? Those who oppose this series as biased , i will say, see it and make your mind, its unpolished gem with mostly views of ordinary people and tats a big thing which is missing in today's TV media.At another level watching this series is a humbling experience. It shows complexities , absurdities and sheer vastness of the the world we live in. Makes us empathize with them and helps comes out of this little bubble called as America. Its truly eye opening , in most literal sense coz most of the stories shown here are beyond our wildest imagination and if anyone has told that such things are happening in the same world , it would have been hard to believe . ( like Nigeria story or Kazakhstan story ) so thanks for an inspiring and humanizing experience.
    rvdtempel This program is very good to watch. The most important things for me personal is that it gives me an understanding about what is happening in the world. I would miss out on so many things if it wasn't for vice. They go to places that are not covered by other news stations. They go to places where other news stations refuse to cover the news and they go back to places where they focus on the after effect of certain events. (Iraq, Afghanistan). I see that some people are upset about the quality of some of the news reporters but in my opinion the reporters they have represent the normal household person. Most of the people doing the reporting are giving me a feeling that they care. Yes you can argue that they need to be objective but if I want objective news coverage I'll turn in to CNN. The only thing that they could work on is that they need to make more shows. But the content they provide on the internet takes a lot of time to create to so I understand that they are busy.Also, It is awesome that season one is available on YouTube but it would be awesome if season two follows the same lead. But again I understand that there is a contract with HBO and that VICE is probably limited on what they can put on the internet when broadcasting on HBO. And Vice needs the money to send all these reporters to all the countries so they have to follow the contract.In the end Vice is a network where you want to help out, where you get emotional, angry even. That is what news should do if you ask me. It is good that a station as VICE wants to raise public awareness for common problems. Thank you VICE, Roald van der Tempel, The Netherlands
    Pedro Coolson How do these reporters do this? It would be the hardest work ever. The places they go in the first episode about the children bombers is heart breaking.This is news.Not the rubbish that is shown on our televisions of an evening before the 43rd rerun of Simpsons starts.Well done to all the crew and the people involved in making this show.You are good people doing an extremely hard job.Do not watch this show if you are easily upset. I found it like watching a car crash.I hope we get to see this show in Australia on main stream television in the future. Sadly I don;t think any of them will have the guts to run it.