Dirty Money
Dirty Money
TV-14 | 26 January 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
    Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    toddstranko I've only seen the first two (VW & Payday Loans) but it's become obvious that although they are very entertaining....they are not providing ALL the facts in these stories. Scott Tucker was painted in a sympathetic light with his kid and wife seeking sympathy from what the evil government did to them and what an honest man Scott is. NO mentioned whatsoever that he had served jail time previously. He had a previous bogus loan scheme previously where he took money from businesses. He plead guilty to two felonies of mail fraud and making a false statement to a bank. Yeah he lied about collateral for a loan because he had sol the car and no longer owned it.Come on Netflix! Do a documentary right! Or did he pay these producers too??
    robin-benson A well intensioned documentary series from Netflix and I hope there are more to come. Unfortunately the six programs suffer from the usual docu problem that the subject matter frequently doesn't provide any meaningful visual material to back up the voiceover narration so the makers go for a stream of news clips or stock footage.The best, for me, was the one on Donald Trump (Confidence man) and though the first half or so was the predictable collection of talking heads (mainly the excellent author Timothy O'Brien) and loads of Trump clips it got better to reveal his business misjudgements and nicely clips of him saying his new venture would be the biggest and best which turned out to be the complete opposite of what he had predicted.Of the other five programs the Canadian maple syrup heist was the least satisfactory, clearly a problem for the maple syrup producers in Quebec but not that important for anyone elsewhere. Payday loans, drug price-gouging by big pharma and the VW emissions scandal are great stories that are relevant to most folk. The VW program had the most dreadful background music as if my TV was tuned into some other channel at the same time, in fact I found the music in all the programs far too loud and why was it needed anyway?If Netflix continue with the series I would like to see tighter story lines and production, if the subject matter is that strong why not just let those who know all about it just tell to the camera, forget the excessive clips and loud music.
    shwooger No question the corporate greed exposed in episode one was despicable, but to repeatedly compare German auto manufacturers to the Nazis while quietly mentioning Chrysler was engaged in the same behavior was absurd. By the time this "documentary" tried to tie Donald Trump to the scandal (and indirectly the Nazis), the Fonz had already jumped the shark. If you are an extreme tinfoil wearing moonbat, you will probably love the racism, hatred, and resentment this series will inspire in you, especially the last episode on how Trump is a scam artist. Anyone to the right of Karl Marx will probably consider the series to be extremely poorly done propaganda.
    Good-Will There's a way to make a point about corporate greed and corruption in big business but this isn't it. The bulk of the documentary is decent and well researched but why bring Hitler into it (three times) and only vilify German auto-makers when the investigation has spread beyond that to Fiat-Chrysler, Ford and GM? The message comes through loud and clear enough without resorting to cheap slurs like this. I'm going to have to reassess Gibney's other documentaries in the light of this, which is a shame since I've liked them all so far, but there's no need at all to pile on the anti-German sentiments to such an extent. Be unbiased. Present the facts. Give us enough credit to be able to make up our own minds, Alex.
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