TV-MA | 15 January 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    agustintomaslarghi I liked the show, the first episodes of the first season are really good and they really get you to the edge of your seat wondering what's going to happen next.Basically the plot is about a graphic novel, there's a fan club of this graphic novel where one of its members claims that has found the lost vol 2 of the graphic novel. Then for some strange reason the members of the fan club are targeted by a couple of villains, get blamed by crimes that they didn't commit and so on.The characters are good and unique, but it falls in the same category of shows such as Mr. Robot where they try to perform a plot-twist driven story. Don't get me wrong, this series is about conspiracy and It's perfectly okay to have such plot-twist but they abuse too much of them. One episode one is the good guy, the next one is a traitor, and the next one is a good guy again. Not to mention that is pretty unrealistic from time to time, bad guys who killed your best friends are you best buddy in the next episode. Totally bollocks!I'd recommend you this series if it only had one season, but no, they had this crave for beating the dead horse and they launched a second season. Where the characters keep changing their mind and being good guy one episode, bad guy next episode.And by the way, the third season was canceled. So yeah, the ending of the second season leaves a pretty big hook, so this story is unfinished and like another brit series such as Misfits, I'll die unfinished.Kudos to the main plot idea, some characters are really unique and this could had been a master piece show, but well, profit is better than story telling, right?
    costitrandafir I want to give British movies a chance but they are simply bad and boring. The colours are bad, like a stupid dream Nonsens story Unwatchable for me, can't see more than 2 episodesI want to give British movies a chance but they are simply bad and boring. The colours are bad, like a stupid dream Nonsens story Unwatchable for me, can't see more than 2 episodes
    anoukv To my opinion, UK produces nowadays most of the best series. But is Utopia one of them ? Well, if you don't like blood, you better watch something else. The VFX are very well made. Some people might think it's sometimes too much and not necessary to the understanding of the plot. Well, it certainly was a directing choice in favour of an aesthetic which puts you in this weird and uncomfortable mood. Whether you like it or not, Utopia won't let you indifferent. However, I think the plot is way too complex and I often got lost...but still, I enjoyed watching the series. I must finish on this note : Utopia has an AWESOME original music. The sound effects create a unique atmosphere.
    mraos Trite Malthusian BS propaganda.It is incredible how what is, in reality, an empirically discredited and morally odious pseudo-scientific philosophy is presented as some kind of "profound question" facing humanity. While, to be fair, it is the bad guys who are carrying on the malthusian agenda, the very thought that their arguments are considered valid enough to be "controversial" and considered seriously by the protagonists makes my skin crawl with revulsion. Also, the originator of this "brilliant concept" is presented as a genius, someone who can see what we others are incapable of.. which leads more credence to the idea which, when you look at it more closely, is utterly and totally discredited both by historical precedent and pure basic logic. In other words, it is something stupid, given credence by being presented by someone labeled "genius." It is not profound, it is simply stupid.Malthus was wrong in 18th century and modern malthusians are wrong now. It is nothing more than appalling misantrophy with genocidal overtones masking itself as some kind of altruistic cause. Hitler was also doing it for the "good" of the race, you know. And there is absolutely nothing to justify either philosophy - they are both equally morally repugnant and, even maybe even more important, logically suspect and scientifically dubious to say the least. I won't go into lengthy refutations of malthusianism because there's plenty of them around, from both philosophical and empirical standpoinds (according to good ole malthus, we're all supposed to be dead by now and for a long time at that).Otherwise the series is well done, but the seeming fetish on torture (seemingly the only answer to pretty much any conflict) and the trite premise trying to pass for profundity mar it irrevocably.