TV-14 | 19 March 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    kuashie I have watched quite a bit of ABC shows and it has always been the same and this one didn't disappoint in that regard as well.Their shows always start with a strong plot, funny, witty and likable characters only for it to degenerate into trash at later episodes, specifically from episode 6-7 onwards.They mostly all the time ignore premise of their shows only to focus on lovy dovy stuffs which when skipped at times could have well served their series.I would advice anyone who have noticed and hate this trend in their shows to skip it since its the same (bs) as always.
    Kostas Thrill-Seeker I have to admit this TV-series was a pleasant surprise to me.At first,I thought it would be an average teen show mostly about romantic relationships between high school kids,but I was obviously wrong!I found it extremely smart,exciting and definitely full of suspense and guessing about the evolution of the plot.The actors seem quite talented to me,even though most of them have no significant previous experience.I also think that the setting is ideal and pretty atmospheric as well!Everything comes together perfectly and there are no unnecessary things.All in all,I would describe ''Twisted'' as a TV-show that takes your breath away and makes you eagerly hold your breath until the next episode!
    valleydreamin I really didn't plan on enjoying this show but I've been pleasantly surprised. It's not exactly Shakespeare but it's entertaining. I'm not a fan of soap operas but Twisted has a good story line and the teenagers are more believable then most of the teenage dramas. I found the show on Netflix and I watched the first seven shows in one setting. I was glad to see that it was renewed for a second season. I love a good mystery and this show has enough mystery and intrigue to hold the viewers attention. The adults are slowly revealing more of their histories as we'll. I'm reminded of series that only ran for one season called Reunion. The same underlying current of tension and not really knowing who is guilty and who isn't, and for a pleasant change there are no vampires, werewolves or any other type of supernatural creatures. Lots of fun to watch!
    TheNorwegianRocker I was very curious about what might come out of Twisted, which is a kind of project that can both be fantastic and awful - depending on whether or not they pull off the mystery element of the series. And thankfully, it has. I find myself excited for each episode, because the show is fascinating and suspense (and twisted), and I feel that I HAVE to follow the process from beginning to end.The murder mystery builds up to be quite the thriller. Danny is not the only one who seems to have an agenda with everything he does: Most of the characters look like they in one way or another have something to hide. Even though it does not have any explicit violence scenes, it sometimes still manages to be quite scary. The dramatic intrigues are well thought through and never boring.The plot admittedly drives a lot of the show, but it is also important to have interesting characters in it to make it a bearable show, which it (again, thankfully) does. It has a complicated, mysterious main character that we immediately take pity in, and who we desperately wish is innocent, at the same time we know he has something to hide.Avan Jogia is brilliant as Danny, as he manages to show huge vulnerability and a tortured soul behind the charismatic, witty, charming and sarcastic character he plays. Danny has more layers than ten onions, and Jogia covers them all with ease. Perfect casting from the showrunners there. Although the two female leads, Madelaine Hasson and Kylie Bunbury, have somewhat less to act on than Jogia does, they both deliver fine performances, and they also do have great chemistry with Jogia.They are supported by a mostly good supporting cast. Ashton Moio is an absolute revelation as the show's much needed comic relief, who is loyal (if a bit awkward), but also somewhat vulnerable. Moio steals almost every scene he is in with his remarkable comic timing. Sam Robards is always a safe bet. However, I do feel like Denise Richards is terribly miscast. She seems uncomfortable in every single scene she is in.I strongly recommend to give this show a chance, as it has set a solid plot with solid performances. I give it an 8 out of 10 based on the three first episodes, but chances are it will be even better from now on.