TV-14 | 27 December 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    joannpl Ófærð is an amazing, dark, slow-burning drama, where you feel the tension building from the very first moment. Ólafur Darri Ólafsson depicted a single-father (for the time-being), living with his parents-in-law, working as the chief of police with so much details and such psychological depth that it leaves the watcher in awe. He is strong but easily-hurt, he is tormented by his love to his wife and still naivelly believes that maybe, just maybe everything will be fine. The story - wow, so many paths that it takes us on, such tangled connections between closed-knit society of a small community. The scenery - breath-taking; I'm from Poland so we do have some strong winters, but the creepy atmosphere of being completelly cut-off by the snow fall is something I don't know :) And it worked for me - I was binge-watching the series with 38 degrees Celsius outside and I felt frozen to the bone :) It was a combination of the story and scenery that made the film so thrilling. Overall - great acting, good story and somewhat surprising ending.
    Lucas Gunnarson Nordic TV crime shows are quite superb nowadays, and this is no different.This is set in Iceland, so the beautiful cold scenery sets the atmosphere for the story to unfold.From the convincing motives, camera angles, and acting, to the way the directors let the background story to the characters go bit by bit, everything in this show is very impressive and they make you keep the curiosity and interest for the next episodes as the main plot is being laid down. Again, the acting is very very good and the smart and real dialogues only add do the depth every actress and actor bring to the story.I am a big fan of Nordic shows, and this one is certainly on my Top 5. I can't wait for the second season.
    areatw Ever since I watched and thoroughly enjoyed the Danish crime drama series 'The Killing', I've been on the lookout for other similar foreign crime shows as they often prove to be lesser known gems. 'Trapped', set in Iceland, is another gripping TV series that has you hooked from the first episode, and remains highly engaging until the last.It has an intelligent and well-structured plot, with no obvious plot holes to speak of. It's always satisfying when a plot is believable and relatively easy to follow, without trying to be too smart. 'Trapped' has a simple but effective plot, which is generally what the audience want from a series like this.'Trappped' also has some unique characteristics, such as the setting, which adds nicely to the atmosphere and tension in the film. This is a well-written, intelligent show that I would recommend to anybody who enjoys a mystery.
    pieraussie This is based on the first 5 episodes, as it is so boring and uninteresting I had to stop watching. As a follower of many northern Europe dramas, such as 'The Bridge', 'The Killing' or 'The legacy', I have approached 'Trapped' with high hopes, all the elements to be good were there: a mysterious and gruesome murder, the humble detective, a scary environment. Unfortunately good ingredients don't necessarily make a good dish if the cook is average, and this is the case. Watching this show in the first 5 episodes it was like a chore, you know when you start looking at the time to see how much is to the end. Pretty much nothing happens, people behave in a way that has no logic, acting is slow and boring. How this show can have a high score is beyond belief. Do not watch, there so many good Scandinavian shows around, but this is not one of them. My vote is 1.