The Witches of Oz
The Witches of Oz
| 07 May 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Rpgcatech Disapointment
    ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    mayhem2080 Possibility of Spoilers Altert but I hope not The Wicked Witches' plans to rule Oz are foiled. Dorothy returns to Kansas and now she's all grown up. Dorothy is an author to her own line of Oz books. Dorothy and her partner Allen are offered a publishing deal to the books and are whisked off to New York. Soon they will discover all is not what it seems. That the Wicked Witches still seek to obtain that which has eluded their grasp. Instilled with fear and doubt Dorothy must now find it within herself to face what's to come. She'll soon discover that she's not as alone as she thought. Dorothy will also have to face some hard realities of life and will learn some truths from her past long forgotten as she discovers whom she really is. Will Dorothy discover the Wicked Witches' evil intentions in time and be able to stand in their way and defeat them, or is this just the beginning to our world's demise? That is the key to things you'll see.I'd say See It, it's not a rehashing of what came before, it's modernized brought into our world melding a whole whirlwind of ideas for a new take on the World of Oz and combining all these new but still familiar elements into a standalone new story. It's filled with so many intricate parts to the plot that make it an intelligently brilliant story. Does it deliver? Yes and No. I first saw it back in 2011 but didn't review it and wasn't all that awe struck by it, though still fond of it. I watched it again for the first time a few weeks ago and discovered a new found deep appreciation of what they had created and I saw it in a new light. There was just so much story to be included which they sculpted together brilliantly that I thoroughly enjoyed it. It wasn't made exactly for little kids new to the stories of Oz but for us who grew up watching The Wizard of Oz and Return to Oz and have been waiting so long for something more and up to date. That being said it is a 2 part mini-series of about nearly 3hrs combined. The special effects are stronger in some places than in others. Some are really beautifully rendered and there are some wonderful shots of New York while other effects just don't seem to be enough or on par with today's blockbuster standards. This movie hosts some of the best talent around today. If you're like me you may not fully appreciate it right away and it may take going back to. Return to Oz wasn't a huge success but it is a beloved cult classic. It was a lot shorter and in my opinion better than Syfy's Tin Man and reminded me of say something like the series Once Upon a Time or Stardust, the Golden Compass, Ink heart, Merlin or an older TV mini-series the 10th Kingdom. Movies along those lines, just as good as any of them, if not better.Donald Huggins Jr.
    pattyb-422-172574 Love this movie!! I must say that I really enjoyed it!!I wasn't sure if this movie would appeal to me being that I am truly a horror fan and do not typically watch movies that would be considered a "kids movie" but I have to say after watching it, I was very impressed in many ways. I found the storyline to be very interesting and fun!!!! The cast was amazing and they did a tremendous job. The graphics and effects were very well done even as a small budget film and deserve recognition. This movie is fun and entertaining for ALL age groups. It is a wonderful family movie that can be enjoyed over and over. All the actors did an amazing job at drawing you in and making you believe they were truly those characters. Some of the actors in this movie you may not recognize but can truly put some "big name" actors to shame. I consider this one to be one of the top family movies and will be enjoyed by all that watch it.
    Dylan Greenberg I am a huge fan of the original L. Frank Baum books, and this movie admittedly does not follow the source material very well. The movie has many effects, which are low budget, but very imaginative, and it is clear real effort has been put in. The cinematography, art direction, lighting, and score are all beautiful. To all the people complaining about how the book doesn't follow the original books, just try to suspend your disbelief! The story is still very strong, and the 3 hours gives time for both character development and action/special effects. I personally love the acting, even though it is at times cartoonish. Oz itself is a fantasy, so the acting should not be as subtle as a different, darker film. Most of the actors are relatively new, and hopefully this will lead to new and exciting opportunities for all involved, including famed B-movie director Leigh Scott.
    stabinsavvi (This is for means and purposes my first review on anything so if it does not seem like one i apologize in advance)The Witches of Oz. I just watched it and i have to say, i enjoyed what i could. I absolutely adore new twists on old stories, if they are good that is. I admit the movie was a little bit shoddy, they could have spent more money to make it better. The special effects were small and not even that great, and I was shocked to learn that such beloved Actors/Actresses of my own were not as good as they could have been. The could have used their full potential but to me it seems as though they were either rushed or just did not care to make the movie at all. It wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. I love that they brought in new characters, old characters, and that they changed the story up from the original film The wizard of Oz.I also have to say after watching the wizard of oz so many times over the years, i cannot stand to watch that movie, even though it is such a good story. Which makes me tend to love the story more when they do something new with it. Also i do hope they come out with the next one soon, i hate movies that just leave you hanging. Especially if bad reviews are the reason they do not continue the series.