The Royle Family
The Royle Family
TV-PG | 14 September 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Bereamic Awesome Movie
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Prismark10 The Royle Family was a big risk when it appeared. It was a sit com but not the kind you were used to. It had no laughter track, single camera and it would based on the Royle's mainly sitting down watching TV and gossiping.It worked, maybe not wildly funny but amusing enough and it had a lot more depth than some people realised.Its the ins and out of a working class family in Manchester, Jim might be slobbish but he has a sharp edge to him. The family bicker but are rather close knit and in and out of their lives are their neighbours and friends.Recent episodes which tends to be now one off specials have varied in quality. Its not always easy to get the cast together, the writing is now variable and not as good or sharp as it was when it began.
    hedwig1412 To start off with, the show is from Salford This show is truly amazing, very British humour, so anyone not from england will probably not find this show funny. Its basically the every day life of ordinary people, and what they do. The show is about a family watching TV. Doesn't sound so great, but isn't that what everyone does? They act like every single family in england do and the way we act. Such as the long pauses and awkward silences within conversations, and how they mock each other. Its great to watch something that everyone does, and thats why it is so funny. Examples are when they ask each other what they have for tea, its so simple but the lines are greatly delivered.
    Bon_Jovi_chick This is about a family and their every day lives. There's Jim the foul-mouthed lazy father who likes to save cash, Barbara- the dippy mother, Denise- the lazy daughter who tries to find her way out of looking after her son (only in the third series!) and Anthony- the teenage lad who gets treated like a skivvy by the rest of the family!! Of course there's Nana, Dave (Denise's husband). their next door neighbours- Joe, Mary and Cheryl (who is constantly trying to lose weight). Each series is full of rude jokes, witty lines and tons of everyday gossip in front of the television!!!This is incredibly funny. Ricky Tomlinson has some classic lines- he is definetly the star of this show. It has some right witty lines in it without all that canned laughter spoiling the atmosphere. Don't knock it til you watched it!!!H xxxxxx
    paul sloan Totally unique.Tremendous observational comedy.We all know folk like these characters. The writing and acting are top notch especially Ricky T who really is one of the best character actors that the UK has produced. The episodes can be watched time and time again and are still funny after repeated viewings.Very few UK sitcoms are totally shot on film but in this case it lends a documentary feel to the whole proceedings.Thoroughly enjoyable and well reccomended.