The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
TV-14 | 10 September 2006 (USA)
  • 1
  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    joed1667 While there may have been some parts that were questionable, there was far more truths than the parts that were Hollywoodized. The disclaimer though was inserted due to the pressure being put on Disney by the Clintons who were getting a taste of their own medicine along with their cronies.Funny how no pressure was put on Michael Moore's fictionalized pieces or how the viewers of this movie denounce it as right wing propaganda yet they embrace Fahrenheit 9/11 which was debunked in Fahrenhype 9/11 as being a bunch of left wing lies.This movie needed to be made though I wish they would've stuck completely to the truth so there'd be no question as to what happened and how the incompetence of the Clinton administration led to the event of 9/11. Use the official accounts from the "bi-partisan" 9/11 Commission Report. I would like to see a movie made about it more on a factual basis like Tora, Tora, Tora was to Pearl Harbor unlike that piece of trash of a movie Pearl Harbor which was by far, the worst movie made.
    yonmei-1 Full of mockumentary camera wobble. The only thing worse than the camera wobble were the non-stop lies. Actually, the only thing worse than the non-stop lies was the film taking six hours for a plot that could have been summarised in two: President Clinton, according to this, was spectacularly indecisive, and President Bush extremely decisive. Although claiming to be "based on" the 9/11 Commission Report, it contradicts by the 9/11 Commission Report in several important places.And worse than that: it's dull. You wouldn't think that a film made about such a major disaster could be dull. But it was.
    jtodd002 The acting, directing, camera work, and tension are incredible. I checked the vote breakdown as to why the overall rating could not be at least an 8.5 or 9. I have since found that the ultra partisan lefties en masse gave the show a 1. Check for yourself. This film was as good as it gets. The voters who cast a 1, are, of course, very liberal political types who wish to completely absolve the Clintonistas for any possible inaction regarding Al Queda/Bin Ladin during the first and second Clinton terms. You don't have to be a republican to admire this remarkably balanced presentation. The hero, in fact, is Richard Clarke, who has been no friend of the Bushies.
    zsenorsock This is a must see film, done extremely well, both in acting and directing. At the time of this writing, the film is rated a low 5.9 which I think has a lot to do with those who are wearing political blinders. Over 400 of them gave this film a one rating. Please. You may not like the movie's politics, but it is well made and NOt some sort of "right wing propaganda" film as some critics claim.Two of my favorite scenes involve the border agent who intercepts the terrorist trying to come into the country with a carload of supplies to make bombs and earlier, the tension generated by the scenes following the Muslim man opposed to killing innocent women and children, as he prepares to turn over the bomb maker from the first World Trade Center bombing. Are they on to him? Is he getting away with this? Its great suspense.Keitel is also terrific and well cast as the main FBI agent in charge and it was good seeing Dan Lauria in something other than a "dad" role. He was also quite effective.It's good film-making. And tells a story a good many of us lived through, but didn't really pay much attention to at the time.
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