The New Normal
The New Normal
TV-14 | 10 September 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
    Freaktana A Major Disappointment
    ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
    randycleve2 While this quickly became my favorite show, I understand some people having problems with it, especially if they were expecting a comedy on the same order of "Will & Grace," "Seinfeld," or "The Big Bang Theory," with the airwaves thick with one liners. There's nothing wrong with that, but this show put more focus on issues, and the humor was usually more subtle, and often, but certainly not always, more geared to poking fun at show business people. It was more of a combination of drama and comedy, and like a movie, there was no live audience or a laugh track, so you can't take your cues from others for the things that might be humorous, or whatever emotion you feel. If you're not much into keeping up with today's celebrities, you probably didn't get the humor, and you likely felt left out. I'm not much into it either, but the show had me looking up various people mentioned, so I could keep up. I also checked several online discussions of that time about the series to get some insight from others about the celebrity comments. I loved this show, which had a great cast. Unlike most shows, and while the episodes can stand on there own, there is more of a flow from one episode into another, much like a movie. You really have to watch the whole series to see how the producers/writers deal with some aspects of things from earlier episodes. Overall,EXCELLENT! Connected with me very much. I'm proud of this show!
    thrall7 I had high hopes for this show when I first read about it in the new television season previews. It had a timely plot line and seemed like a bold break in the traditional sitcom format. After watching the first few episodes I have to say it's been one of the biggest disappointments of the season.Put bluntly, the producers don't seem to be able to make up their minds about whether it's a comedy or a drama. As of now, it's not working as either one. It definitely isn't funny and the cast isn't good enough to pull off selling it as a drama. I find Ellen Barkin's character a ridiculous and offensive stereotype and the granddaughter's quirkiness to be unbelievable. On top of everything else, the show is very preachy. By contrast, "Modern Family" has hit a great balance with Cam and Mitchell's partnership of humor, angst, and tenderness.I read that NBC has given a go-ahead to produce more episodes. So be it. I won't be watching any.
    ozfan-1 I like the shows idea, and there are some funny parts of the show. I don't feel a chemistry between the two main characters, David and Bryan. They just don't come off as a couple in love and totally into having a family. Yes David is reluctant and a bit more reserved about being gay than Bryan, but even in scenes where they should be so natural if they have been together long enough to want a baby, it just doesn't feel that way. Goldie I like and I love her daughter Shania. The little girl is pretty funny. I am not sure how to take Goldie's grandmother. I feel offended by her comments about blacks, Jews gays etc. I know television has turned a corner with what is accepted, but I am not sure we are quite ready for Goldie's grandmother. One thing I base my liking of a comedy on is do i actually laugh out loud during the show. Alas not with this one. I don't think this one will make it but I want to see a little more of Shania before they give it the axe, so I will keep watching for a bit longer. Check out my blog on Blogspot called Tales of Television for more reviews
    Wwallace71 My husband and I were really looking forward to this show but we have been really disappointed. We find Ellen's character repulsive. That character really needs to be tamed. In all honesty we haven't laughed once. Modern family is a more well written show. I never feel repulsed or offended while watching Modern Family. If the writing doesn't improve for the New Normal I firmly believe it will be cancelled after the first season. The other characters are fine, but if NeNe is a main character she needs a larger role and actually say things that come natural to her. We will give the show another week but that's all.