F Troop
F Troop
TV-PG | 14 September 1965 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    SanteeFats I really like this series!!! I own the entire series. It is very funny, decently written, and I think well acted. Especially for so long ago. Ken Berry is great as the goofy captain sent to take charge of Fort Courage. Sergeant O'Rourke (played by Forrest Tucker) is excellent, and Corporeal Agarn played by (the incomparable) Larry Storch are so good together. The unknown romance (on Berry's part at least) between the Captain and Wrangler Jane, played by Melody Patterson (extremely pretty) is hilarious. The episodes go all over the spectrum from the absurd to the sublime and I love it!!! Especially whenever the Captain gets visitors from the East.
    pingshar The Beverly Hillbillies, Bewitched, Green Acres and F Troop -- what were they thinking? Not much, I guess. Looking back, it seems there was a competition to make the stupidest TV sitcom and still get people to watch it. I wonder what the stuff they didn't watch was like?F Troop was a stupid show back then, and it hasn't improved any with age. Bad acting, bad writing, bad set, did I leave anything out? Was F Troop so bad it had to be good? Perhaps junk like this was the inspiration for Mel Brooks' 1968 "The Producers." Formula for a hit: Strive for a flop, making everything as awful as possible, and people will think it's a scream.I have been reviewing some 1960s sitcoms out of strictly anthropological interest. Trying to recreate the milieu, all I can see is a bunch of whitebread kids sitting slack jawed in front of the boob tube with nothing better to do with their time. Hey, I was a kid back then, and I didn't watch this garbage, except maybe once or twice to check it out. There was good stuff on TV back then that was genuinely funny, such as Mel Brooks' "Get Smart." I just want to say thanks to the geniuses behind F Troop for making such lousy shows that it encouraged me to read books.
    verbusen "It Is Balloon!" I actually have that line embedded in my head from watching F Troop as a kid. I'm surprised that only one season was in color. New York (no idea what channel but this was before cable for me so about 5 total), would run this show after school along with Gilligan's Island, so certain scenes for me are memorized, well really just one, when the chief says "It Is Balloon!". I have no idea why that one is memorized unless thats what the channel ran as commercial clip. Anyway, I just bought a 6 episode sampler from WB and it was nice to see the show again being a part of my childhood. Just to add some balance to these reviews, this is NOT the best comedy to ever come out of America, it's not even close. There was a reason why it was cancelled, its pretty stupid. The scenes with Ken Barry usually fall flat. Larry Storch and the "Indians" are what made F Troop funny. Anyway, this show is a cross between Gilligans Island and Sgt Bilco set in the Old West. It's stupid like Gilligans Island with a constant scheming plot like Sgt Bilko. There you have it, I'm sure viewers were on to this as well and decided they had had enough of the same joke, just like Sgt Bilco and Gilligan didn't last much longer. One great episode on this sampler DVD has Don Rickles as an Indian, and that episode with his scenes are really funny, he kind of takes the crazy scenes away from Larry Storch. Its formula comedy, pretty good, but fag from the BEST. 7/10 for nostalgia reasons, Get Smart blows this show away as an example of a show that was out at the same time. Hey Larry, I still love you man!
    terry24542001 The first year of this series should go down in history as one of the 10 funniest shows of all time. It was running during the Viet Nam war, so a lot of satirical stuff is in there.F Troop illustrates the American caste system.. Captain Parmenter is a WASP schlemiel who thinks he's running everything. Agarn and O'Rourke are the Irishmen who actually DO run everything. And the there are the Indians, who are really the Lost Tribe of Israel (Jews), who actually OWN everything and make sinister deals with the Irish in order to live long and prosper.This is a VERY hip show. Paul Lynde as The Singing Mountie alone is worth the price of admission.....