Doctor Doctor
Doctor Doctor
| 12 June 1989 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    karpath-2 If you wanna know how to make the day's journey a little lighter, yet no less serious, then tune in to an episode of Dr./Dr. The problem rests where most problems lie, the show was abandoned by its parent before the children could save this plateau for honest living. What I mean is, this production and the specific actors in it had true chemistry. They bounced like phenomenal electrons off each other, off the reoccurring themes of human emotion, and finally off syndication. Why..? They were just that good. But "good" is a relative, right? So, you'll just have to check an episode out...someday...if that day becomes available. And decide if those factors of comic genius, innocuously inoculative, are subtly striving in your veins to find a wiser person. And, of course, they will. All you really need...
    tenonceb4 I just rediscovered this series due to having to transfer the videos I taped off USANetwork on to DVD. Doctor, Doctor is one of those rare TV series which still works 10 plus years after its production. Some of the humor is tied to pop culture at the time, but if you were alive then, you can pick up on it.The show had a good balance of zaniness and pathos. Matt Frewer as Dr. Mike Stratford played the character as not a total goof ball, but as a real person in extraordinary circumstances. As hard as it is to imagine, Mike Stratford was the straight man for all the craziness happening around him. Much like Frasier Crane would later do for his family and friends.I am hoping this show would find some sponsorship for a DVD release. The humor is mild but intelligent, but not too high brow. Stand it up against most shows today and the present shows should curl up in shame. A true classic, CBS should be ashamed of itself at canceling this show. It could easily had had the life of a show like Frasier. But this only says Doctor, Doctor was ahead of its time.P.S. Am very chuffed, I found some original recordings I made at the time the show first aired on CBS. I don't have all the episodes, but I think I have most of them anyway.
    brinchatt I have several episodes of "Doctor, Doctor" on VHS...about 16, It think. I didn't even know it ran for nearly three seasons. Does anyone have any idea when this wonderfully funny show will be released on DVD? It was truly "Must-See TV" on CBS. I just found out it was canceled because the head of the network's wife thought it was silly and didn't understand the comedy....heck, she probably didn't like the fact there was an openly gay character on it. This show was definitely the "Will and Grace" of its was truly, rolling on the floor, laughing your a** off" comedy. I want it on DVD. OK, IMDb says I don't have enough lines in my comment, so I will write more. Matt Frewer was the star of the show, and it revolved around his relationships with his brother, mother, father and his medical associates at "Northwest Medical Partners" in Providence, RI. Hey, you know a show has to be good if it was set in a city like Providence, instead of New York or LA. After all, there are many more cities to set shows in! And, did I mention I would love for this show to be on DVD?
    judith-30 Along time ago when I wasn't as good with my VCR as now, I taped a lot of these shows. Probably at least 30 of them. They were recorded off regular TV (not cable) at the slow speed - and look like it. But, I still drag them out about once a year to watch and just crack up.Why doesn't some "TV Executive" (whatever) pull these and air them again? I realize 15 - 20 years ago they were ahead of their time (gay brother; a reviewer of plays with HIV, etc.) but I think the 'general' public has caught up by now.Maybe it could be slipped in between, i.e. the 3rd hour of news about the rain in Los Angeles and one of the five zillion reality shows!Or, release the entire series on DVD - I'd pay up to $250 - ANYONE ELSE?
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