Ned and Stacey
Ned and Stacey
| 11 September 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Catherine_Grace_Zeh "NED AND STACEY," in my opinion, is an absolute FOX classic! I haven't seen every episode, but I still enjoyed it. It's hard to say which episode was my favorite. However, I think it was always funny when a mishap occurred. I always laughed at that. Despite the fact that it was a short-lived series, it would have been nice if all the main characters had stayed with the show throughout its entire run. It seems that no one stays with a show throughout its entire run. Everyone always gave a good performance, the production design was spectacular, the costumes were well-designed, and the writing was always very strong. In conclusion, I hope someone brings it back on the air for fans of the show to see.
    edwardbass I loved this show and was terribly disappointed when it was canceled. I agree with other comments - this is the "straight" version of "Will & Grace", and I'm simply amazed that Debra Messing is in both! However, I've tried to watch Will & Grace, and it's absolutely painful to watch the show! Debra was 1,000 times better in Ned and Stacey. And I love everything that Thomas Haden Church does - he absolutely made this show. I just hope he gets some good recognition (and hopefully some deserved financial rewards) from his role in Sideways. While Thomas Haden Church was the "star", I also enjoyed Greg Germann a lot. His relationship with Thomas' character, Ned, were a big part of what kept me glued to this show. Bring it BACK!
    jeremyb I enjoy(ed) the show, both when it was on the air and in the reruns, but I must admit I get a little tired of Thomas Hayden Church's over-the-top performance sometimes. Debra Messing is, as always, a beautiful and refreshing presence on the screen, but you can at times sense that she is uncomfortable with the idea of the show. It is a decent destination for laughs, but it would have been very difficult to sustain the premise for much longer.Nadia Dajani and Greg Germann are a good supporting cast, as the sort of "Ralph and Alice" of the Gen-X crowd.
    Ed in St. Louis I missed "Ned and Stacey" on its original run on Fox, but I picked up on it from the USA Network where it appears every morning. I'm consistently amazed at how funny this show is! The gags are fast and furious and the presence of the actors, including the great supporting stars Greg Germann and Nadia Dajani, is wonderful. Thomas Hayden-Church is a master of timing and Debbie Messing is very beautiful and very charming in her role as Stacey. It's easy to see why she went on to become a big star on Will and Grace. I cannot recommend this show more highly. I only wish the show had lasted more than two years--apparently only about fifty episodes were made. See this show and laugh!