Oh, Doctor Beeching!
Oh, Doctor Beeching!
NR | 01 July 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    Paul Evans Oh Doctor Beeching ranks as one of my favourite comedies of all time, a wonderfully sweet and innocent, humour of a bygone era. Delightful characters each and every one, all bringing plenty of laughs, with exquisite comedy timing. I'm an adoring fan of Su Pollard, and she is wonderfully funny and scatty as Ethel, and yet she manages to tinge her with sadness. It's very evident that many members of the cast had worked together on previous occasions, the relationships are genuine and very easy. Barbara New's timing as Vera was fantastic, she delivered her lines with so much humour, that line 'My late husband was an engine driver you know.' The show is timeless, it deserved a much greater run then it had, Sunday evenings were a perfect slot for a comedy like this, surely there is still a place for this brand of light and breezy slapstick humour? A show I will always love.
    docterryc This is a fine example of fine British humour. Every character is clearly defined, and each one adds something to the whole.I suspect that many Americans would not enjoy it. They seem to prefer more slapstick comedy, whereas this sitcom is funny because the characters work off one another.Indeed, British humour has changed so much recently, that I'm sure many younger viewers would find it difficult to relate to the subtle humour of this story.However, if you do like this series, then you must check out "You Rang M'Lord" It's a totally different story, but many of the same actors.
    LuisaGallo This is a very underrated show, I really don't know why as it's so much fun! Many people think it's less funny than David Croft's other work such as Hidehi and You Rang M'lord, but I would hasten to disagree. The first few episodes are a little slow to get going, but after that it becomes hilarious! Series 2 is even better than Series 1, and I feel that if it had been allowed a 3rd series, it could have become a huge hit! The sunny setting is great and the characters are all wonderful - the Skinner family run Hatley station & take care of all the other staff - potty Ethel & her equally potty son Wilfred; predatory Vera Plumtree whose husband ("he was an engine driver you know") is now deceased, and therefore she now goes for anything in trousers! May Skinner is also a bit of a flirt, especially when new Station Master Cecil Parkin arrives and she realises that he is in fact her old flame - and possibly the father of her teenage daughter Gloria!!! Harry Lambert is a hilarious character, especially in episodes such as "Action Stations" where the staff all have to do role plays to prepare for the visit of Dr Beeching himself! A great series, full of slapstick fun!
    goldfinger2a-2 Thats Yorkshire for right good, and it was, l have all the episodes on tape and l watch them over and over again, given more time this would have been a classic sit com, as it is it`s a really good one.Holland, Shane, & Pollard try and suceed, as does the rest of the cast, l love the way May in the Buffet always said how nice Mr Parkin was-l would think!..it was funny...pity if finished...but l enjoy the episodes that were made... 8/10