The New Adventures of Old Christine
The New Adventures of Old Christine
TV-PG | 13 March 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    fortress111 This is the kind of sitcom that grows on you... it starts out as a subtle chuckle in your soul... and after a few weeks you just fall in love with the cast and premise. It's not perfect... but no television show is. All you can hope for is that they use what they have to work with to the best of their abilities. They mostly do. An excellent product from the Will & Grace producers.A note about the lead actors. Clark Gregg seems to have the potential and the low key deadpan acting abilities of a young Bob Newhart. Hopefully some executive producers will notice this and use it as a gift to the television audience. I could plug Bob Newhart in mentally into his role and the lines work as written. Clark's direction obviously was not to do a deadpan buttoned down role. Too bad. He would have been great. This was a role in which less would have been so much more. Clark Gregg needs to dress up, take authority, and remove all emotion from his delivery. It would work.
    david camarena As a Two and a half men , the big bang theory and the office fan i found this one hilarious! Acting is phenomenal, dialogs are perfect that really connect you to the show. I watched almost every day before going college... you gotta see it! you wont regret.. this is a very good comedy show. Julia Louis-Dreyfus gives us a very great performance, she's really into her character. I've seen Hamish Linklater in a couple of movies and other series, he's good! but nothing compares to his acting on this. one of the best. heehaw in fact. I'm watching it right now. Mr Harris episodes are damn good. Cheers for Directors, Actors and Writers. 8.5/10.0VOTE FOR IT! 5.3 ??? Are you kidding me?
    big_ojos27 I have to say this is my favorite show. I don't like a lot of TV shows out there - the writing of most shows is awkward and contrived. However, I tune in every week for this show and ONLY this show. Julia's character is a riot, and I think Julia is perfect in this role. Even my husband watches this show with me, and if he laughs out loud, then I think it's pretty darn good. Christine's day to day complexes, obsessions, and awkward interactions make me smile and laugh because they're so similar to what I, as a woman, often feel. Of course, the show magnifies these complexes, but that's what makes it so ridiculous and funny. Definitely worth your time.
    Grizm This show is great! This is one of the few shows that actually makes me laugh out loud. Julia is one of the funniest people on television.The cast plays off one another in hilarious ways, too. The humor is frequently subtle, with the funniest moments often being in the form of expressions or reactions.The quirkiness of Julia's character, Christine, is really what I enjoy most about the show. It's so funny how she always manages to get into uncomfortable situations and have to (sometimes awkwardly) pull herself out.This is one of my favorite shows, and I really hope it continues to be recorded for a long time to come.