The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo
The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo
| 18 September 1979 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    Stephen Bierce (FPilot) Hey.RTN is showing this series (perhaps along with B.J. & The Bear?) on Sunday afternoons/evenings.When it was running the first time, the NBC affiliate for Tampa Bay refused to air it in its network-mandated time slot for something else (I forget just what) and put it on some horrible late-night slot on Sunday night/Monday morning. So I saw the tail end of an episode for the very first time yesterday.I don't know if I would have liked it back in '79~'80 when I was turning teenager and was beginning to get overloaded on car chase genre action shows. This show is just so TYPICAL. You have the old man Sheriff, the goof-ball deputy, the pretty-boy deputy, and then the usual Central Casting darlings you see in all these shows. The writing and production values are standard-level, neither all that great or all that awful. No wonder it never clicked like some of the others had at that time.Okay...I'll say one thing in defense of this series--it was better than "Border Pals."
    chasnbbw I was 11 years old when this show came on the air. I thought it was appropriately funny for anyone - I was 11 give me a break- but looking back now yes i would watch it again. The interactions within the cast were very good. Sheriff Lobo ( Claude Akins ) was a little crooked. In case you could not tell he was crooked you merely had to wonder why a Sheriff is driving a brand new CADILLAC SEVILLE???? This was the most expensive personal car in the Cadillac Line of cars $15,000 msrp give or take, and that is in 1979 dollars. Imagine being pulled over by a Cadillac Police car in 2007 Wouldn't you feel nervous ??? The 2007 Cadillac Seville now called simply "STS" is in the starting price range of $50,000. Can anyone say " I need a lawyer, and not a local public defender either". LOL Deputy Perkins (Mills Watson) was so funny also, he was practically joined at the hip to Lobo-LOL I guess he should since they were brothers-in-law. "I'll show you college boy" was always his favorite line when speaking to deputy "Birdie" Birdwell Hawkins (Brian Kerwin)the Mayors son, who was college educated. This usually had me ready to pee my pants, because you just knew whatever he was going to do would blow up in his face. (This is akin to watching Wiley Coyote purchasing Acme products to catch Roadrunner- LOL) In the first season Lobo and the usual gang of crooked outlying county Sheriffs were kings in the fiefdoms of their counties. They all new the others were just as crooked; but don't mess with mine and I wont mess with yours seemed to rule. The show was a spin off from BJ and The Bear (about a Vietnam War soldier saved by a chimp while a POW ) he brings the chimp home to the US. The chimp is his friend -pet and he becomes an owner-operator long haul trucker. In an episode he runs into Orly county and is given the usual harassment money making tickets for being over-weight, speeding etc etc. This gives us an understanding of Orly County politics and policing. All the usual parodies on what we assume crooked cops to be. In one remarkable episode, BJ actually hauls goods for Lobo. Then after off loading and driving out of town, Perkins asks him "are we just gonna let him go sheriff ?" Lobo replies " let him get just outside of town, then give him a ticket for speeding" LOL
    knsevy All I know is that my family watched Sheriff Lobo and enjoyed it quite a bit. It's been so long since I've seen an episode that I can't bring any real specifics to mind, but I know I always looked forward to Perkins' antics, week by week.Of course, my taste in television wasn't critically-acclaimed, by any means. I watched the Dukes of Hazzard, religiously, but I never had much feeling for B.J. and the Bear. It was only recently I found out this show was a B.J. spinoff.It would be nice to have this on TVLand (since there's no longer a TNN to show reruns of hick shows) so I could see if it really WAS any good.
    rbenson I used to really enjoy watching Lobo and Perkins they were a great comedy team. Sheriff Lobo was a most exquisitly delightful television series I am most sad not to see it on the television at this time I long to see it in reruns in the future. Ten thousand thank yous for the many laughs that I have experienced having wathed this fine show
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