The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman
The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman
| 04 August 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    polymath234 Too bad it didn't get more time to develop. One of those shows I so wish more people, esp women, knew about. Original and savvy and dark and hilarious. What more do you want?
    pancake_repairman She has a problem with her plumbing and then has a conversation with her mother about nothing. That's 2 minutes of content. It's like gritty realism about stuff that isn't gritty or in any way remotely interesting. It's like the possibility that some things that aren't generally depicted in fiction are left alone because there is nothing interesting about them just wasn't considered. Cues are taken from all the cable dramadies, and when you combine that with a distinct lack of a creative imagination or any unique personal experiences in life to draw inspiration from, this is what you get. I guess the idea is that you're supposed to still be so fascinated with the mechanics behind the media entertainment industry, in spite of how saturated TV has been with that topic in the last few years, that it can be taken to an even more tediously personal-detail-filled level and remain interesting. Laura's voice sets her demeanor at a permanent state of exasperation which becomes grating fast. This lack of emotional range is the nail in the coffin.
    roastbeefsucks I believe that this is one of the best shows on television. IFC has created a real winner. Original and funnier than Entourage, I think that this show is great. I understand why she was not nominated for an Emmy award because it is only the first season, and because that old fart Julia Louis-Dreyfus. When the Golden Globes premiere, I hope this show she and this show are nominated. This show also has a really great ensemble cast, so they might not do so bad at the Screen Actors Guild awards. So . . . this is a good show, I hope it never gets canceled, and I hope that Laura Kightlinger wins something. Minor Accomplishments, Huge series!
    ekw ekw This is a very smart comedy made by - and for - Hollywood insiders. It has a bit of Entourage mixed with The Player about it. It's funny, but I don't know if it translates to a very wide audience. The main character, Jackie, is a screenwriter whose life is basically a huge disappointment to her, both in her career and her love life. The scripts, many written by Laura Kightlinger who also plays Jackie, have that edgy bitterness which is very true to the "biz", that some people may find funny (I do) and others just depressing. Jackie may also come across as an awful narcissist, but then Hollywood only works because of all the narcissists operating in concert to try and make movies and occasionally succeeding. Certain aspects of the show are just dead on. Jackie is in a constant struggle to define herself both professionally and spiritually (though she would never cop to that in a million years). Kightlinger is terrific. She has a Geena Davis thing going on which she spins her own way. I recommend this to all angry, desperate, bitter, lonely people. For us it's great. If you feel suicidal once or twice a week, try it and see if you like it.
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