The Manhunter
The Manhunter
| 11 September 1974 (USA)
  • 1
  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    MrLaMancha The character, Dave Barrett, wasn't really a private investigator. He was - as the show's title infers - a "manhunter", a bounty hunter. Dave returned home, a WWI veteran, to find his family is having a hard time making ends meet due to the Great Depression.Dave decides to supplement the family's income by collecting the bounties on the Dillinger-esquire gangsters that were prevalent (apparently *very* prevalent in Kansas - who knew?) in those days.So Dave fixes a car up with hiding spots for some of his war souvenirs (seriously, a Colt .45 auto and a Thompson submachine gun - plus a bayonet, a shotgun, and a Winchester rifle! Dog could take lessons from this guy.) and set off each week to earn some extra milk and egg money.Maybe it wasn't quite historically accurate; but it was a fun show.
    lightninboy Back in the 1970s there were a LOT of detective shows and some nostalgia shows. The Manhunter was a detective show AND a nostalgia show. Dave Barrett was a private investigator. Actually, the show might have had a lot of stuff implanted into it, like the term "private investigator", from the 1970s and thus been somewhat unauthentic for the 1930s. Dave and his folks had a grain-and-potato farm in Idaho, as I recall. Kind of the middle of nowhere to be a private investigator. But Dave went to Kansas and Colorado and other places where there was crime. In one episode, Dave worked for a trucking company in Kansas to stop hijacking by a gang of criminals. In one episode, Dave and some locals were barricaded in a general store by a gang of criminals. One criminal decided to smash into the general store with a steam roller. Dave made a bomb to stop the steam roller. In one episode, Dave's father was pinned under his overturned Fordson and was taken to the hospital. Unfortunately, there was a gang of criminals at the hospital....