The Level
The Level
NR | 30 September 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    neprout Just watched this on Acorn, excellent plot with many twists. The quality of acting we have come to expect from a British production. Hope there is a sequel in the pipeline
    s3276169 The Level is yet another crime drama from the UK. That's not a bad thing in itself but I do feel, at times, they start to run short of ideas and The Level is a case in question. Firstly lets look at the good. Its predictably well acted, directed and ably creates an atmosphere of rising tension, that fits well with the series overriding plot.The bad is reflected in the fact that the whole notion, is a little far fetched. The proposition of a cop having a personal link with an individual from a questionable, legal background is fine. Whats inexplicable are the cops actions after initial events unfold. Whilst most people would be keeping a low profile, maybe even resigning or transferring to stay off the radar, she wades into an investigation that stands to expose her. Of course, this is the at the heart of the story but it is in my opinion "weak tea" and more than a little implausible. That's not to say this series is not watchable. It is for the most part but I found it stretched my credulity more than a little. Six out of ten from me.
    thedrells-1 I have just watched this over 4 nights over here in NZ. It was a solid work, gripping to the point of silencing my son (16 so old enough!) when the final episode was on. I found the story intriguing with good acting. There were only 2 moments where I though "wow, really??" but both were obviously in order to move the story along. While a fellow reviewer called the main character a snowflake (gah!) who didn't live up to her story reputation it needs to be kept in mind that she has just lost a key person in her life and sustained an injury - it's true she's no John McClane, and I can live with that. The story is as much about her and her personal relationships as it is the whodunit thriller. Sit back and enjoy the ride. The only criticism I found was that Noel Clarke's character was a little one dimensional, I would love another series with more character progression for him. LOVED IT!
    Jon Ogden Sr. I am a sincere fan of drama from Across the Pond. The Level was held up to a great extent by a solid supporting cast. However the lead investigator, as portrayed was greatly lacking in credibility. She appeared to be in a constant state of confusion and panic from the very beginning. Although she was given to be an established and respected Investigator it was a stretch beyond reason to accept. The dialogue as previously indicated could have been much better. But when a lead characters presentation is allowed to be more annoying than anything else it makes for a long long series. A Deer In The Headlight look became almost amusing as a frequent presentation in most situations. Ultimately, I cannot help but wonder where was the Director during shooting or any daily screening. This series could have been made better quite easily. Sadly it was not.J.L.Ogden Sr.